Questions Tagged With runtime tagged <span class="tag">runtime</span>enTue, 07 Nov 2017 04:18:03 -0500Task Overview / Case Overview<p>Hi AxonIvy Team, after running a process instance there is in the "Task Overview" and "Case Overview" start time and end time shown of each task and each case instance. Now I am wondering if it is possible to get this data in ivy script for further use? Thanks in advance for help.</p>GabrieleTue, 07 Nov 2017 04:18:03 -0500 Taskruntime<p>Hello, I need to know the runtime of a task in a running process. I found a method to get a taskruntime in a process but it is not that easy I expected. Now my question, is there a less complicated way to get the runtime of a task? My way: It is written in the call tab of a user dialog in between 2 task symbols</p> <pre><code>"Startzeit Task "+in.startTaskTime); </code></pre> <p>It is written in a script step behind the task whilst in.nummer the case nubmer is to get the last entry</p> <pre><code>TaskQuery tazk = TaskQuery.create().where().name().isEqual("Task1Name"); Recordset taskZeit =;"TaskEndeZeit2: "+taskZeit.getColumn("ENDTIMESTAMP").get(in.nummer)); </code></pre>GabrieleWed, 19 Oct 2016 11:21:13 -0400