Questions Tagged With rtable tagged <span class="tag">rtable</span>enTue, 14 Jun 2016 17:02:16 -0400add custom column into RTable<p>Hello!</p> <p>Is there a runtime possibility of creating a new column in designed ivy-RTable ? I have tried to do it with java in onLoad method of RichDialog - no success. Adding an empty column and setting header text is ok so far. I add a Custom implemented ITableCellRenderer and override the one and only method getTableCellRendererComponent(...)</p> <p>Renderer of designed ivy table column is of type ch.ivyteam.ivy.richdialog.widgets.components.renderers.TableCellRenderer. This type if for me in designer not accessible. Using debugger i have seen the table model configuration String (&gt;7000 chars) in it, but i can not edit it or create new one.</p> <p>When i try to use my custom renderer for new column, e.g. com.ulcjava.base.application.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer or ULCLabel, i am never able to render the text in this column. I have tried multiple methods (setText(), setValue(), "value" parameter...) but cell is always rendered empty. the only thing i can set is background color.</p> <p>Is there a way for such thing ?</p> <p>Thanks in advance josef koupal</p>josef_koupalTue, 14 Jun 2016 17:02:16 -0400 to set the focus in a RTable programmatically?<p>How can I set the focus on a row with row index or column ID? I like to have the same effect like I would click into the cell with the mouse?</p>Katharina KaczmarczykTue, 11 Dec 2012 09:32:20 -0500 lines in a RTable<p>Is it possible to wrap long content in a RTable cell into multiple lines?</p>Richard SchmidTue, 28 Sep 2010 02:59:00 -0400 Widget in RTable<p>I want to use cell widgets in a RTable (e.g. a combo box) but I do not find any settings for this in the widget configuration for the table. How do I use them?</p>Jörg SchönfischTue, 20 Apr 2010 06:30:58 -0400 columns of a RTable depending of the value in a row/cell<p>I want to hide table columns if a condition in the value of the cell in the column holds true. For example <code>value.toString().trim() != "*"</code>. Unfortunately this does not work, even with a value of "*", the column is not hidden.</p>Jörg SchönfischSat, 10 Apr 2010 11:01:21 -0400 is not updated when model is changed<p>I use an RTable widget with a ivyScript List as model. I want that the table updates it self when I change an element in my list. E.g. I have a list with articles and I change an article, add a new one or delete one, then I want that the table is updated automatically. How can I do that?</p>Alain HelfensteinMon, 04 Jan 2010 06:08:38 -0500 NULL values in record set nicely in the RTable<p>I have a record set from a DB query that I want to use for display in a RTable. Some values can be <code>NULL</code> and the result is that the RTable shows them like <code>java.lang.Object@1234</code> which is not very useful information for the end user. </p> <p>How can I make this cell empty for the display?</p>Benedict GroppeTue, 28 Apr 2009 09:48:16 -0400