Questions Tagged With process tagged <span class="tag">process</span>enThu, 11 Jun 2020 06:19:42 -0400Name of process model<p>Hi, ivy team support, May we ask you what is the way ivy server build process model name and put it inside table iwa_processmodel?. I saw sometimes it is uppercase, sometimes it is lowercase.</p> <p>Thanks</p>nndiemThu, 11 Jun 2020 06:19:42 -0400 can we customize the the Email Notification on task assignement?<p>Hello All, </p> <p>I saw that there is documentation about how to change the default email content, plus the question here: <a href=""></a> I am asking how could we define/ or customize the receivers of this email?</p> <p>Thanks a ton :)</p> <p>Alex</p>a_v_aTue, 07 Apr 2020 01:03:28 -0400 on calling trigger<p>Hello all, </p> <p>We have the following error when calling a trigger: <img alt="alt text" src=""> The process works perfectly fine on the designer, but on the engine it throws this error. We use engine version 8.0.2. Any ideas what might be the cause and eventually the solution?</p> <p>Thanks, Alex</p>a_v_aWed, 01 Apr 2020 05:31:22 -0400 when calling sub process on java<p>Hi guy,</p> <p>I am using java to call a sub process (1). On sub process, it calls another process on async mode and wait for this async process finished. But it gets an exception </p> <p><code>ClassCastException: java.lang.Object cannot be cast to ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.util.IIvyDataObject BpmError: ivy:error:system IvyRuntimeException: BpmError ivy:error:system Unique ID: 16ED0879C1F1D89D Process Element: Wait for the other business processes to end &lt;16ECF9C19BDDE0E4-f6&gt; Process Call Stack: callServiceCheck() &lt;16ECF9C19BDDE0E4-f0&gt; ch.ivyteam.util.IvyRuntimeException: BpmError ivy:error:system Unique ID: 16ED0879C1F1D89D Process Element: Wait for the other business processes to end &lt;16ECF9C19BDDE0E4-f6&gt; Process Call Stack: callServiceCheck() &lt;16ECF9C19BDDE0E4-f0&gt;</code></p> <p>But it can work well if I trigger the start link (2) directly</p> <p><img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>How can I overcome this problem? </p> <p>Thanks!</p>nvcuong01Wed, 04 Dec 2019 05:58:36 -0500 to set multiple responsible roles for a process start request<p>How can we set more than one role as "Responsible role" on a Request Start element on the Request tab. Users with different roles (not able to organize under one commen role tree node) should see a process in the portal and should be able to start it.</p> <p>My workaround at the moment is to define two different start elements, which are identical except the responsible role. It works, but... If one user holds both roles, he will see two identical processes.</p> <p>Thanks for help.</p>Adrian ImfeldThu, 07 Nov 2019 09:49:11 -0500 Api for Start Process Signature variables<p>Hello IvyTeam,</p> <p>Is there a way to get the list of parameters which are defined in the Signature of a process start element ? *I need this information before starting the process instance.</p> <p>I checked the public API but such information is not available. So, I assume there is an Internal API that I can use ? Can you provide some code snipet? </p> <p>Best Regards, Yordan</p>Stelt0Tue, 17 Sep 2019 09:38:57 -0400 process model as header doesn't work<p>We want to show the name of the process model with <code>&lt;h:outputText value="#{}"&gt;</code> but the variable is empty.</p>jan dietscheMon, 18 Jun 2018 12:05:10 -0400 Process Start parameters Encoding<p>Hello IvyTeam !</p> <p>Sometimes Ivy Processes are called via their url in a browser and we set some params as URLEncoded Parameters. Example : firstname=Élisabeth and lastname=Müller <a href="http://comba:8081/ivy/pro/designer/services_mock/162D9B06E7844FCB/videoIdentification.ivp?gender=Frau&amp;firstname=%C3%89lisabeth&amp;lastname=M%C3%BCller">http://comba:8081/ivy/pro/designer/services_mock/162D9B06E7844FCB/videoIdentification.ivp?gender=Frau&amp;firstname=%C3%89lisabeth&amp;lastname=M%C3%BCller</a></p> <p>In that case we have to encode the url parameters with "ISO-8859-1" charset which is the IVY default encoding. Is that possible to change this to "UTF-8"? Shouldn't Ivy set the default encoding to "UTF-8"?</p> <p>This has been tested with Ivy 7.0.4.</p> <p>Thanks a lot in advance Cheers Emmanuel</p>Emmanuel CombaTue, 29 May 2018 07:04:59 -0400 to quick search for some text in a mod file?<p>Hello IvyTeam,</p> <p>We need often to search for some code snippet in some big Ivy Process files (.mod). We can do it in the text editor but it is not very handy to change anything there. The best would be to search with CTRL+F for some text. Then the designer should highlight the Steps where this text has been found. This would be a great help for our productivity.</p> <p>Do you plan to do such an improvement? </p> <p>Thanks in advance Emmanuel</p>Emmanuel CombaThu, 17 May 2018 10:47:34 -0400 to get the URL of a process start within a JAX-RS class<p>Hello IvyTeam,</p> <p>My Ivy Version : 7.0.3 I would like to get the url from a process in a JAX-RS Rest Resource but I get an Exception with this code:</p> <pre><code>Ivy.html().startref("Functional Processes/dis/videoIdentification/start.ivp") </code></pre> <p>The JAX-RS Resource is located in the same project as the process. It works without problem in a Process (IvyScript Step).</p> <p>I can imagine that the fact the code is in a JAX-RS Resource does not allow accessing some Ivy resources like the ProjectModelVersion Provider. Is there a workaround for that? Or do I have to compute the url more manually with the InetAddress and so on ? By the way this code works in this resource: Ivy.html().applicationHomeRef()</p> <p>Thanks in advance </p> <p>Here the StackTrace I get:</p> <pre><code> Unable to provision, see the following errors: 1) Error in custom provider, java.lang.NullPointerException while locating ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.internal.di.CaseProjectProcessModelVersionProvider while locating ch.ivyteam.ivy.application.IProcessModelVersion annotated with interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.scope.restricted.FromCaseScope Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.internal.di.CaseProjectProcessModelVersionProvider.get( at ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.internal.di.CaseProjectProcessModelVersionProvider.get( at at at at at$2$ at at$2.get( at at ch.ivyteam.di.restricted.DiInjector.getInstance( at </code></pre>Emmanuel CombaWed, 18 Apr 2018 15:06:23 -0400 for ivy processes with UI<p>I would like to set the period to run any ivy processes with UI. Is there any ivy API to support it without adding the "Program start" element to processes? If not, is there any way to start a process (not callable process) in Java?</p>dolongSun, 26 Nov 2017 23:53:25 -0500 to change stage inside case map?<p>I have a case map project with 3 stages, each having one process. It should be possible to jump from first process to last stage.</p> <p>Inside scirpt I call</p> <pre><code> </code></pre> <p>But get error:</p> <pre><code>IllegalStateException: Only business cases with no active sub cases can be finished Could not handle case map event 'STAGE_CHANGED' for business case '4' </code></pre> <p>Because I am inside the process my case is still active. </p> <p><strong>Summary</strong>: As Pointed out in the answer, this error can be ignored and only triggers when after changing stage all processes are finished.</p>adamfWed, 27 Sep 2017 09:54:22 -0400 Page on User Dialog<p>Hello Ivy Team,</p> <p>I have a business process starting with an User Dialog, where the user can submit a request. After that the process is doing a lot of background activities and it is assigning tasks.</p> <p>The application is part of the Portal application. Currently, when the user submit the request, he is redirected to the Task List of the Portal.</p> <p>Is it possible instead of redirecting int to the Task List, to show him some Thank You page ? The problem is that this process can be started by users that does not have Ivy user and in this case he is redirected to the Portal Login page. For these users this makes no sense.</p> <p>Best Regards, Yordan</p>Stelt0Tue, 26 Sep 2017 04:27:51 -0400 between Email.Server.MailAddress & Email.Server.User?<p>Hi guys,</p> <p>Recently I come to wonder what's the difference between the two configuration of email.</p> <pre><code>EMail.Server.MailAddress EMail.Server.User </code></pre> <p>As I saw that when I try to send mail using email element in process, I specified the "From" field, but it sent the mail using the one I specified at <code>EMail.Server.User</code>.</p> <p>Could you help me differentiate these fields as their purposes? May I have some thing wrong in the configuration?</p>ToanLCThu, 27 Jul 2017 07:03:36 -0400 when the user closes the window or tab of the browser in a Html Dialog<p>Hello! I have the following scenario:</p> <ol> <li>User goes to the their Personal Task List;</li> <li>There's 1 task;</li> <li>User closes the window or tab in the browser;</li> <li>User comes back in 5 minutes and goes to their Personal Task List;</li> <li>The task is gone;</li> <li>After 30 minutes, the user refreshes the page;</li> <li>The task is back;</li> </ol> <p><strong>Question 1.</strong> I understand that since the user started to work on that task (step 2), it changed from SUSPENDED to RUNNING, and other users are not able to see that task in the meantime. I don't understand why even the user that is working on that task, can't see the task in the Personal Task List.</p> <p><strong>Question 2.</strong> Using Html Dialog, How to detect when the user change the context on the browser, to bind it to an event in the Logic? For example, if the user closes the tab/window, then it would fire a process to change the task to SUSPENDED again.</p> <p>I found old answers but they don't seem to be the exact scenario:</p> <ul> <li> <p><a href="">Hook into global closing with "X" on the window</a> - It talks about Rich Dialog and Java Class, I am using Html Dialog and I would like to bind it to an event containing a Script Step with a code in Ivy Script;</p> </li> <li> <p><a href="">How can I logoff the user if he closes the browser?</a> - This one says that the task would be immediately available for the same user, but this is not what's happening in my scenario.</p> </li> </ul> <p>Thanks in advance.</p>Jailson BritoMon, 30 Jan 2017 23:51:34 -0500 after sending redirect<p>Hi all</p> <p>i have a sample process like this: <img alt="alt text" src=""> In there i have a ivy task, after i close user dialog, i want to redirect to another start process by using HttpResponse (not use endpage element). With some small investigation i see the task state after i send redirect still be RESUMED, </p> <p>If i change this process to continue with endProcess element (after script httpRedirect), it throw exception:</p> <pre><code>java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot call sendRedirect() after the response has been committed at org.apache.catalina.connector.ResponseFacade.sendRedirect( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponseWrapper.sendRedirect( at ch.ivyteam.ivy.webserver.internal.duplicate.DuplicateAwareHttpResponse.sendRedirect( at ch.ivyteam.ivy.request.impl.HttpResponse.sendRedirect( at ch.ivyteam.ivy.bpm.exec.restricted.PageRedirector.setResponseHeadersAndSendRedirect( at ch.ivyteam.ivy.bpm.exec.restricted.PageRedirector.redirectToDefaultEndPage( at ch.ivyteam.ivy.bpm.exec.internal.event.end.task.TaskEndExecutor$TaskEndRequestEndExecutor.redirectToEndPage( at ch.ivyteam.ivy.bpm.exec.internal.event.end.task.TaskEndExecutor$TaskEndRequestEndExecutor.execute( at ch.ivyteam.ivy.bpm.engine.internal.core.RequestProcessor.executeRequestEndExecutor( at ch.ivyteam.ivy.bpm.engine.internal.core.RequestProcessor.handleRequest( at ch.ivyteam.ivy.bpm.engine.internal.BpmEngine.handleNormalRequest( </code></pre> <p>So, to deal with this case, i need to reset task manually?</p>trungdvThu, 29 Dec 2016 05:04:17 -0500 to get BpmEngine belong to a Process Model Version<p>Hi all, in module A, I have a function that return a BpmEngine as:</p> <pre><code>IBpmEngine engine = DiCore.getGlobalInjector().getInstance(IBpmEngine.class); </code></pre> <p>With this line of code i get instance which belong to module A somehow.</p> <p>Now i also want to get IBpmEngine from other related modules (example: my module A depend on module B). I check the code then see each BpmEngine has a different id, combine between project model name and project model version: (class <code>ch.ivyteam.ivy.bpm.engine.internal.BpmEngine</code>)</p> <pre><code> = "BPM engine " + this.getProcessModelVersion().getApplication().getName() + "/" + this.getProcessModelVersion().getVersionName(); </code></pre> <p>Is there anyway to get BpmEngine of other related modules?</p> <p>P/S: somehow this question is related to this <a href="">post</a> where i want to register listener for other module.</p>trungdvWed, 28 Dec 2016 02:52:32 -0500 Loading<p>Hello Ivy Team,</p> <p>In my project, I had to switch from the default Eager loading to the Lazy loading of the Entity classes. The reason was that the queries were not optimized. Now I have the following problem, every time I try to inspect the variables in debug mode, the Designer is throwing errors and it is almost impossible for debugging:</p> <p><img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>Best Regards, Yordan Yunchov</p>Stelt0Wed, 21 Dec 2016 09:19:58 -0500 we monitor ivy process programmatically?<p>Hi all</p> <p>i have a sample callable subprocess as below: <img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>With SubProcessCall util, i can trigger to run it and also control input&amp;output. So i want to go a step futher to monitor that such process. Is there any API or util that could help me to monitor this process? like when process come to step <em>Do first thing</em>, i will be notified and i can access variable <strong>in/out</strong> or just simple logging out the name of that ivy element.? Also the same question for other kind of process (sub process/start process/...)</p> <p>Thanks all</p>trungdvTue, 06 Dec 2016 06:42:46 -0500 Issue<p>Hi</p> <p>We're facing following Issue:</p> <p><strong>Could not find a start with name '15601A89E0030024/Logout.ivp'</strong></p> <p>We tried following ways:</p> <h1>{ivy.html.startref('Start Processes/Home/Logout.ivp')}</h1> <h1>{ivy.html.startref('15601A89E0030024/Logout.ivp')}</h1> <p>The problem is, that the Logoutprocess is in another Project which is in the required Project list of the Projects which tries to start the logout process. </p> <p>How can we fix that?</p> <p>Regards, Dani</p>dharlachWed, 31 Aug 2016 12:49:51 -0400 triggered Process<p>Hi</p> <p>I'd likt to get a process started every first day of a month. Is it possible to schedule a process?</p> <p>Regards, Daniel</p>dharlachWed, 20 Jul 2016 15:17:46 -0400 activity - no task<p>Hello All,</p> <p>I have a HTML Dialog. In the Logic I use the Trigger activity to call a Business Process. It works, but it creates a task. </p> <p>Is there a way to be invoked immediately and not create and assign a task ? My process is pure server-side logic.</p> <p>Best Regards, Yordan Yunchov</p>Stelt0Wed, 20 Jul 2016 07:48:50 -0400 with receiving and sending the same signal in a process<p>Hi everyone</p> <p>So I have a process with a User Task that has a signal boundary event that listens to a certain signal X. After the user task is finished I check some values and depending on that I want to send the same signal X. See the image below: </p> <p><img alt="no alt text" src=""></p> <p>But when that signal is sent I get the following exception:</p> <pre><code>java.lang.IllegalStateException: State of Task must be one of the following values CREATED, RESUMED but is DESTROYED at ch.ivyteam.api.API.checkObjectState( at ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.internal.Task.end( at ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.internal.Task$49.execute( at ch.ivyteam.ivy.persistence.base.AbstractPersistencyService.execute( at ch.ivyteam.ivy.persistence.base.AbstractPersistencyService.execute( at ch.ivyteam.ivy.persistence.base.ClassPersistencyService.execute( [...] </code></pre> <p>I uploaded a demo project here: <a href=""></a></p> <p>Thanks in advance</p>Lars TuchelTue, 05 Jul 2016 14:08:11 -0400 to solve Tomcat 302 error problem?<p>We try to call an IVY process start link (/ivy/myprocess.ivp?id=213214) by an external application. As response we expect a JSON object. </p> <p>But it seems that the IVY Tomcat redirect our request (error 302), so we do not get the response back. Does anybody know to solve this problem?</p> <p>Thanks!</p>peter_mucWed, 11 May 2016 12:02:43 -0400 to resume a process instance<p>Hello,</p> <p>how can I resume a process instance? E.g. a user exits a process before the process is ended. How can I display a overview of the not finished processes and let him or another user in a certain role resume at this specific point?</p> <p>Thanks! </p>poteaSun, 03 Apr 2016 11:52:05 -0400 information on a content object<p>In an Override Project, I need to know, if current Content Object is overridden or not. If so, customer can change the Value.</p> <p>Something like that: ivy.cms.findContentObjectValue(String,java.util.Locale).isOverride()</p> <p>Exists a way, how I can get this information?</p> <p>Thank you very much in advance!</p> <p>Cheers Andreas</p>AndreasThu, 21 Jan 2016 13:32:51 -0500 Server Error when hitting history back button of browser<p>I have the problem, that if you have two or more dialog calls in a process, you cannot use the history back button of the browser, as soon as you are past the first dialog.</p> <p><img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>In this example, as soon as you reach Education, it does not work anymore.</p> <p>I think the reason for this is, that the dialog instance is closed, when you leave a dialog and move further (Dialog Close event).</p> <p><img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>I think that this is ivy specific, becuase as far as I know, it works properly with plain PF/JSF. In my opinion, the back button should work allways, becaus of the usability, and the developer should take care of what happens with data and so on.</p> <p>Anyway, does anybody have a solution for this?</p>Marcel von WylWed, 26 Aug 2015 08:47:31 -0400 parameters with an Ivylink<p>How can i put a parameter in an Ivylink like this: in.url = ivy.html.startref("Start Processes/Start/start2.ivp"); This link will be called in a mail by a User and starts a process.</p>Florian HitzWed, 22 Apr 2015 09:03:09 -0400 to process-case start and task creation & start<p>I would like to know if there is a possibility to dynamically listen to all ivy standard processes starts and ivy task creations and starts. The idea would be to get a reference to any standard processes-cases that are started or tasks that are created.</p> <p>Thanks a lot in advance</p> <p>Emmanuel</p>EmmanuelTue, 03 Mar 2015 17:07:50 -0500 we can obtain the context of the business process programmatically?<p>We want to implement a feedback feature in which the user can submit a feedback at any where. What we want to achieve is to attach the context (what is the current screen, which point in the process, etc) into the feedback.</p> <p>I found out a way to (somehow) close to what we expect:</p> <pre><code>StringBuilder fullContextBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (IIvyThreadLocal threadlocal : IvyThreadContext.getIvyThreadLocals()) { fullContextBuilder.append(threadlocal).append("\n"); } Ivy.log().error(fullContextBuilder.toString()); </code></pre> <p>However, the <code>IIvyThreadLocal</code> and <code>IvyThreadContext</code> are not <code>@PublicAPI</code> so we could not rely on them.</p> <p>Is there a public API which can help me to obtain the context of the business process (something like what printed in the log file for an exception)?</p> <p><strong>UPDATE</strong></p> <p>(It seems I was still ambiguous about what the process context mean)</p> <p>The process context here means what is the current dialog and the context when the feedback submittet. What is the route (dialogs to dialogs) that the user has accessed before submitting the feedback.</p> <p>The idea is something similar to what is printed in the Ivy Server log file. I started to digg into the <code>Logger</code> and <code>ExceptionUtil</code> which I experimented as the snippet above.</p> <p>Thanks &amp; Regards</p>Genzer HawkerMon, 02 Mar 2015 10:56:42 -0500