Questions Tagged With primefaces tagged <span class="tag">primefaces</span>enTue, 23 Feb 2016 09:47:12 -0500A form doesn't proceed because of shown values why?<p>I try to show some values from different Primefaces "selectManyCheckbox" in a "inputText" field. The value in the inputText field is shown correctly, but the form doesn't proceed. I get no warnings or errors. For instance:</p> <pre><code>&lt;p:selectManyCheckbox id="motorSonderBox" value="#{data.datenAnfrage.motorSonder}" style="width:400px"&gt; &lt;f:selectItems value="#{data.datenAnfrage.motorSonder}" var="motorSonder" itemLabel="#{motorSonder}" itemValue="#{motorSonder}" /&gt; &lt;/p:selectManyCheckbox&gt; &lt;p:inputText style="width:180px" value="#{data.datenAnfrage.motorSonder}"/&gt; </code></pre> <p>Can you help me?</p>GabrieleTue, 23 Feb 2016 09:47:12 -0500