Questions Tagged With portal tagged <span class="tag">portal</span>enMon, 27 Jul 2020 11:14:12 -0400Replace the default seperator settings<p>I would like to overwrite the default settings of the patterns. We use the default ivyPortal in the German-language settings. How can i replace the default 'comma' by a dot? And the 'comma' by a inverted comma (Without replacing it in every HTML ?)</p> <p>(7.654.321,123-&gt; 7'654'321.123)</p> <p>kind regards</p>JensHMon, 27 Jul 2020 11:14:12 -0400 Sidebar should be uncollapsed by default<p>Portal Version: 8.0.6</p> <p>Is it somehow possible to configure the portal sidebar to be uncollapsed by default?</p> <p><a href="">Portal Sidebar uncollapsed</a></p>fcostiTue, 21 Jul 2020 08:28:37 -0400 8 - custom subMenu highlight<p>In Portal 7 - I can highlight my custom SubMenu item with this code: <strong><em>administration.views.add("Administration.xhtml");</em></strong></p> <pre><code>SubMenuItem administration = new SubMenuItem(); administration.setMenuKind(MenuKind.CUSTOM); administration.setIcon("fa fa-database"); administration.setLabel("Administration")); administration.setLink(UrlUtils.getUrlByRequestID("17235FB212434858/administration.ivp")); administration.views.add("Administration.xhtml"); in.subMenuItems.add(administration); </code></pre> <p>But I see it not work in portal8. So the first question is how I can highlight my custom subMenu in portal8? </p> <p>Second point that How I can highlight my subMenu If my page start with IFrame? Because the view always <strong>ch.ivy.addon.portal.generic.iframe.TaskTemplateIFrame/TaskTemplateIFrame.xhtml</strong> </p>nbthongMon, 01 Jun 2020 05:52:04 -0400 Tasks in portal not seen<p>As a workflow admin I want to see delayed tasks running by the system user. In the BasicWorkflowUi I can see such tasks in the Workflow Admin section. But I didn't find a way to see them in the portal application. So at this time I use both projects: the portal and the BasicWorkflowUi.</p> <p>Is there a way to see or find delayed or destroyed tasks in the portal application?</p>PWeberWed, 13 May 2020 11:35:06 -0400 message on already started task<p>Hello all, </p> <p>On older versions of the portal we used to have error message on the top right corner of the task list view of the portal:<img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>But right now with portal version 8.0.2 what we get is an error page instead of that message: <img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>My question is whether we are not doing the proper way? And if so how to solve that issue? Thanks in advance for your help.</p> <p>Alex</p>a_v_aThu, 26 Mar 2020 08:45:02 -0400't add Applications from Admin Settings<p>Hi everyone,</p> <p>We have currently the following problem: -&gt; From the Cockpit we add and deploy our applications and everything is fine, however afterwards when we login to the portal home and go to Admin Settings from the user menu in order to add the new application, we get empty list when hitting Select. <img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>The same happens when we test from the developer studio. Furthermore the users can't choose languages I guess because we can't add the application.</p> <p>I tested the same thing with just some test project on 8.0.0(from the designer only) and everything works: <img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>Any help is appreciated! :)</p>xchatterTue, 25 Feb 2020 02:15:21 -0500 8 - sidebar active menu item bug<p>Hi,</p> <p>It seems there is some bug with the sidebar. When you initially open the portal, the top element of the menu is selected and white. However when you switch to another menu item, the first one should lose the "active" style and the selected menu item should get it. This doesn't work so when you click another menu item the first one properly loses the "active-menuitem" class, but when the page refreshes to display the new content, then the first menu again gets the class "active-menuitem" so it is still highlighted. Furthermore the currently selected menu item correctly gets the "active-menuitem" class, but still doesn't get the proper style applied, because it has additional styling applied which overwrites the background.</p> <p><img alt="alt text" src=""></p>xchatterFri, 20 Dec 2019 02:29:25 -0500 8 custom fonts<p>Hi,</p> <p>I am trying to load a custom font-face on the portal, but it does not load properly. I edited the font-faces.scss file and added my font, also the files are located properly on the system. However the font does not load. <img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p><img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>Then in the customization.scss I tried to edit the $fontFamily variable and even manually set the font, but again it doesn't work. It just falls back to Helvetica, because it doesn't load the font files. <img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>Any help is appreciated. :)</p> <p>P.S. I compiled the sass with maven and all my changes take effect except for the font-face.</p>xchatterFri, 20 Dec 2019 02:12:43 -0500 backend issues after migrating to new version<p>Hello, We have problem with the Portal application running on Axon Ivy Engine 7.0.12 with Postgres 9.6 as a System Database. The first 2-3 tasks we execute are running smoothly. After that the performance is considerably deteriorated. If we try to go to Cases, the Html Dialog is not loaded at all. Or if I go to Tasks, no tasks are loaded. I will appreciate if anyone could hava a look at the below errors and give us a clue. Thanks, </p> <p>AA</p> <p>The errors that I could see in the error logs are:</p> <hr> <pre><code>07:05:15.176 ERROR [runtimelog.Test.PortalKit.web_service] [ivy background operation pool-thread-4] [request=HTTP GET call(6521.6520.89.0), session=30 (demo), task=6520, application=2, requestId=180, executionContext=SYSTEM, pmv=Test$PortalKit$1, processElement=14E8BC51CC56193A-f120] Web Service Element: Call to <a href="http://localhost:8080/ivy/ws/System/PortalConnector/1380566F9095B9C4">http://localhost:8080/ivy/ws/System/PortalConnector/1380566F9095B9C4</a> (Operation[name=analyzeExpiryStatistic,port=TaskServicePort,parameters=[TypedMapping /name=arg0.analyzeExpiryStatistic.apps /type=Array&lt;String&gt; /expression=in.applicationNames, TypedMapping /name=arg0.analyzeExpiryStatistic.jsonQuery /type=String /expression=in.jsonQuery, TypedMapping /name=arg0.analyzeExpiryStatistic.userName /type=String /expression=in.taskStatisticRequester],parameterMappingOptions=RequestParameterMappingOptions[mapNullValues=false,autoInitializeFirstLevelFields=true]]) failed ! 07:05:15.178 ERROR [runtimelog.Test.PortalKit.user_code] [http-nio-8080-exec-2] [request=HTTP GET call(6521.6520.89.2), session=30 (demo), task=6520, application=2, requestId=180, executionContext=30 (demo), pmv=Test$PortalKit$1, hd=ch.ivy.addon.portalkit.component.StatisticWidget, processElement=14E8BC51CC56193A-f7] </code></pre>a_v_aFri, 09 Aug 2019 04:35:50 -0400 Hint for Axon.ivy Portal Problems in 7.0.x<p>As you know, the performance of the portal is not the best, also because of the Portal Connector, that will be removed in the next Major Axon.ivy Release. In the last couple of weeks we identified performance problems on our customer installations, where Task List and Case List is not performing very well. </p> <p>The major problem with the performance problems is the usage of Hide Technical Stuff (described here: <a href=""></a> and the way how it is stored in the backend (by using Additional Properties). </p> <p>Also the Portal Kit runs a nightly job, where at least one technical case is created (this will be now checked by the product development - why). But at the end it cause that every day a technical case is created and the longer you run the portal, the portal becomes slower (sad), because the queries for case/task list also references to the additional properties table and if you have many hidden stuff than the performance is not good anymore.</p> <p>Hidden Caes are marked with an additional property in the IWA_ADDITIONALPROPERTY table. By double check this with the product development and also our experience in our critical installations we executed the following SQL statement. Those technical cases are not used anymore and have no negative impact if they do not exist</p> <pre><code> delete from iwa_case where caseid in ( select c.caseid from IWA_ADDITIONALPROPERTY ap,IWA_CASEADDITIONALPROPERTY cap, iwa_case c where ap.ADDITIONALPROPERTYID=cap.ADDITIONALPROPERTYID and cap.CASEID=c.caseid and like 'HIDE' and c.State IN (-1, 2) --only zombie and finished cases ) </code></pre>mdemolskyTue, 11 Dec 2018 07:13:08 -0500 I use the shipped portal application in engine?<p>Do you have any recommendations to use the shipped portal application in the engine? Are there any benefits or or even disadvantages?</p>SupportIvyTeamTue, 03 Apr 2018 10:43:51 -0400 for ivy processes with UI<p>I would like to set the period to run any ivy processes with UI. Is there any ivy API to support it without adding the "Program start" element to processes? If not, is there any way to start a process (not callable process) in Java?</p>dolongSun, 26 Nov 2017 23:53:25 -0500 Page on User Dialog<p>Hello Ivy Team,</p> <p>I have a business process starting with an User Dialog, where the user can submit a request. After that the process is doing a lot of background activities and it is assigning tasks.</p> <p>The application is part of the Portal application. Currently, when the user submit the request, he is redirected to the Task List of the Portal.</p> <p>Is it possible instead of redirecting int to the Task List, to show him some Thank You page ? The problem is that this process can be started by users that does not have Ivy user and in this case he is redirected to the Portal Login page. For these users this makes no sense.</p> <p>Best Regards, Yordan</p>Stelt0Tue, 26 Sep 2017 04:27:51 -0400 progress bar<p>Hello everyone, is there a way to change the default progress bar, because in one specific scenario i want to have different progress bar but not the default one?</p> <p>This is the progress bar that i want to change: <img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>I want to do it for only one scenario, when the user presses a button and should wait for some methods to be executed. I have checked from primefaces showcase they provide some progress bar but I can put it somewhere in the screen and it is always there its not like this one in the image which takes the whole screen(makes the screen darker while loading and it is not possible to press anything) Thanks :)</p>Tano93Thu, 03 Aug 2017 01:20:15 -0400 deployment<p>I use the portal for my business processes. There is already a portal deployed as part of the engine. How should I deploy my projects which depends on the portal projects?</p> <p>Variant 1 - One Application: All projects in one application (Portal Projects / Custom Projects).</p> <p>Variant 2 - Multiple Applications: One Application for the portal and one or multiple custom applications for my custom projects? How does the user mangement works in this case?</p>Alex SuterTue, 28 Mar 2017 16:16:56 -0400