Questions Tagged With maven tagged <span class="tag">maven</span>enWed, 20 Sep 2017 06:42:11 -0400How to load resources in IvyProject from Java?<p>In typical Java EE maven project I put resources in src/main/resources and access files with getResourceAsStream().</p> <p>How to work relative to the current class has been dicussed in <a href="" title="this thread">this thread</a>. However, I would need an absolute way to access resources. </p> <p>Background of this question is that I would like to use <a href="" title="owner">owner</a> config <a href="" title="with fallback">with fallback</a> to a classpath property file.</p> <p>Thanks for help.</p>adamfWed, 20 Sep 2017 06:42:11 -0400