Questions Tagged With loop tagged <span class="tag">loop</span>enWed, 11 Dec 2019 09:41:15 -0500multiple exceptions lead to ivy:error:loop<p>Hi there</p> <p>We get an "ivy:error:loop" exception by Ivy in a loop. In this loop, we send some ws calls in a Callable Sub. Possibles exceptions are not handled in the Callable Process, but are caught by a "Inscribe Error Boundary Event" on the Callable Sub Element. The loop-exception occurs when we receive an exception (ivy:error:webservice:exception) in this Callable Sub twice.</p> <p>From our point of view one task could easily receive more than one identical exception during its execution. Ivy should not send a loop-exception in this case.</p> <p>Why does Ivy react like that? Have we done something wrong?<br> Is there a solution or workaround for our problem?</p>Adrian ImfeldWed, 11 Dec 2019 09:41:15 -0500 loop when calling a Webservice<p>When calling an external Webservice we get a log of type: "The following requests seems to loop endless or are blocked:"</p> <p>According to an answer in another post:</p> <p>The endless loop logs occur when:</p> <ul> <li>a normal user request is running for longer than 5 minutes</li> <li>a system user task is running longer than 1 hour</li> </ul> <p>How could be provoke such an error? And how could we prevent such an error when it occurs on a WebService call? Maybe by defining a Timeout on the Webservice call? Does a default timeout for the WS Call exist?</p>Fotini KalantidouFri, 21 Sep 2018 02:22:05 -0400 Practice for filling a List in a loop<p>I'm using Xpert.ivy Designer 5.1.0 (Lauberhorn) S6. I tried to fill a List in a loop: </p> <ol> <li>In a form I ask the user, how many entries the list will have (numberOfIterations)</li> <li>With an Alternative Switch element I'm ensuring, that the following steps are executed as often as the defined number of iterations:</li> <li>In a form I ask the user for the attributes of the list entry (attribute one, attribute two)</li> <li>In three different variants I add the new list entry to the list. Only the most time consuming variant works. The other variants don't work as expected. I suppose, this is a bug.</li> </ol> <p>To better understand, please watch the <a href="">screencast on YouTube</a> (2 minutes).</p> <p>An answer until 25.11. evening would be very appreciated.</p> <p>[EDIT]: <strong>Here the <a href="">link to the iar-File</a> for testing.</strong></p>BjörnFri, 22 Nov 2013 10:52:25 -0500