Questions Tagged With logging tagged <span class="tag">logging</span>enFri, 29 May 2020 12:27:31 -0400Create Logger with Category for Runtime Log<p>Hi,</p> <p>I would like to create loggers, which behave like Ivy.log() i.e. which log to ivy.log and are also shown in the Designer Runtime Log) but use a custom category (instead of "user_code").</p> <p>For example:</p> <p><strong>Runtime Log:</strong> <img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p><strong>ivy.log:</strong> <img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>Also a "dirty trick" would do, as I will encapsulate the logic at a single place.</p> <p>Is it possible to create such loggers?</p> <p>TIA</p>petersFri, 29 May 2020 12:27:31 -0400 - parameters<p>Dear Ivy Team</p> <p>For REST logs (rest_client category), I would like to log the elapsed time as well as the amount of data transferred. Any tips how to configure IvyLog4jLayout ?</p> <p>Best regards John</p>John MoserMon, 03 Feb 2020 11:32:00 -0500 Logging<p>Dear Ivy Team</p> <p>It looks like the Performance Logging can only be run in DEBUG level. Unfortunately in DEBUG level the logging crashes almost the Ivy Engine. </p> <p>Is there a way to simply log the requests (such as the access_log in the original tomcat) ?</p> <p>Regards John</p>John MoserFri, 31 Jan 2020 12:56:41 -0500 log file content additional in the database<p>A customer wants to store the log informations additional to a database. This should be possible with log4j - do you have any inputs to this?</p> <p>Best regards, Sven</p>skilchenmannTue, 17 Sep 2019 02:16:01 -0400 last login of a user<p>In my application, users can log-in in various ways...</p> <ul> <li>SSO: WAF via Tomcat valve </li> <li>SSO: IIS integration</li> <li>directly on the portal's login page (only for test/development systems)</li> </ul> <p>Now I have the challenge to create a mechanism that can log last successful login of a user and write this information to my application DB or to the user in Ivy system DB.</p> <p>Which options do I have to do this?</p>timoruppTue, 02 Jul 2019 02:46:52 -0400 to find the root cause of error 500, frequently occuring in the logs<p>Some of users of my wf-app seem to face an error 500 while working. The errors show a viewExpiredException as cause of the problem. Generally this points to a session timeout issue. But as the user fires several request within seconds it doesn't make much sense, that one of the requests should fail with error 500 while others can be served as expected.</p> <p>Unfortunately the behaviour is not 100% reproducible on any dialog. The logs expose the problem for several users but there is no clear pattern to find out which behaviour leads to these errors. Do I have any chance to isolate the real issue behind these error 500 logs?</p>SupportIvyTeamMon, 13 May 2019 07:02:36 -0400 ActiveDirectory user import to my ivy 3.9 webApp<p>I have to maintain a legacy workflow app still running with XpertIvy 3.9. The users of the application are synchronized from our MS Active Directory.</p> <p>Recently I got reports that some users are not able to connect to the WebApp. What can I do to verify and trace the ActiveDirectory user synchronization?</p>SupportIvyTeamWed, 01 May 2019 03:02:29 -0400 Mail with Log4J SMTP Appender doesn't work<p>Hello, i want Axon Ivy to send an Email when there is an error so i added this code to "log4jconfig.xml":</p> <pre><code>&lt; appender name="EmailAppender" class=""&gt; &lt; param name="BufferSize" value="512" / &gt; &lt; param name="SMTPHost" value="" / &gt; &lt; param name="SMTPProtocol" value="smtps" / &gt; &lt; param name="SMTPPort" value="465" / &gt; &lt; param name="SMTPUsername" value=" *** " / &gt; &lt; param name="SMTPPassword" value=" *** " / &gt; &lt; param name="From" value=" *** " / &gt; &lt; param name="To" value=" *** " / &gt; &lt; param name="Subject" value="Testing Log4j Mail Notification" / &gt; &lt; layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout"&gt; &lt; param name="ConversionPattern" value="%-7p %d [%t] %c %x - %m%n" / &gt; &lt; /layout &gt; &lt; /appender &gt; &lt; root &gt; &lt; level value ="WARN" / &gt; &lt; appender-ref ref="FileLog"/ &gt; &lt; appender-ref ref="EmailAppender"/ &gt; &lt; appender-ref ref="ConsoleAppender"/ &gt; &lt; /root &gt; </code></pre> <p>The FileLog works but i dont receive the email. When i change the order to this:</p> <pre><code>&lt; appender-ref ref="EmailAppender"/ &gt; &lt; appender-ref ref="FileLog"/ &gt; </code></pre> <p>then the FileLog and the MailAppender doesn't work. <br> When i use the same code in an Eclipse Java Project it works and i get the email. </p> <p>What should i do?</p> <p>Edit: Do i have to add mail.jar and activation.jar to my build path in Axon Ivy? In Eclipse i added them to lib and it worked but i don't know how to integrate them to Axon Ivy.</p> <p>Edit2: With Log4j debug=true i get this Error in my logfile: <br> 2019-01-22 16:21:32.230 ERROR [ch.ivyteam.log.LoggerFactory] [main] [] Log4j: Could not configure java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/mail/internet/AddressException at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0(Native Method) at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredConstructors( at java.lang.Class.getConstructor0( at java.lang.Class.newInstance( at org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator.parseAppender( at org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator.findAppenderByName( <br> ...</p>karstenkThu, 03 Jan 2019 05:05:38 -0500 log4j Messages in Runtime Log<p>Is it possible, to configure Logging so that log4j messages from other modules, (like Hibernate) are shown directly in the Designer Runtime Log?</p>petersTue, 02 Oct 2018 04:21:16 -0400 to change the log level without restarting the engine<p>Is there a way to temporarily change the log level without restarting the ivy engine?</p>Bruno BütlerThu, 27 Sep 2018 08:46:00 -0400 Broadcast events<p>Hy there,</p> <p>In our solution there is sometimes the problem that the Data from Task A overwirte the Data from Task B. This happen if we open the Task parallel and there is a ria broadcast Event. The big problem is now to find out which event causes the bug. Is there a way to track, log or query the happend Broadcasts for a Task or a Case or over all? </p> <p>kind regards Thomas Wirz</p>Thomas WirzFri, 14 Jul 2017 04:22:39 -0400 I use GIT as Team-Provider<p>We're shifting our source version control system from SVN to GIT. Now I'm trying to clone ivy projects into my workspace, but it seems like there is no GIT team-provider. Only SVN is provided out of the box. Is there any way to use GIT anyways?</p>SupportIvyTeamWed, 10 May 2017 03:08:31 -0400 user_code logs on engine<p>Hi there</p> <p>we have lot of user_code logs within our projects and no time to remove them all. Is there an easy way to disable the user_code output to the logfile?</p> <p>Thanks</p>skilchenmannFri, 28 Oct 2016 14:43:38 -0400 Element Performance Statistic and Analysis - Missing Entries // Fehlende Eintraege<p>Hallo,</p> <p>Ich habe das Problem, dass Eintraege in der Datei die durch "Process Element Performance Statistic and Analysis" ausgegeben werden fehlen.</p> <p>Und zwar ruft ein Business Prozess in meinem Beispiel 50 mal einen Web Service Prozess auf (den ich selbst erstellt habe und auch auf der selben Engine laeuft). So wie ich das sehe wird nur ein einziges mal der Web Service Aufruf und damit seine Elemente mitgeloggt, die restlichen 49 Male nicht. Woran kann das liegen ?</p> <p>Wie im Bild zu sehen ist, fehlen die Eintraege zwischen 60 und 422. <img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>Hier der Aufrufende Prozess : <img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>Und der aufgerufene Web Service Prozess: <img alt="alt text" src=""></p>Michael94Fri, 21 Oct 2016 08:59:59 -0400 can I enable webservice call SOAP request and respons logging on the eninge<p>With Axon.ivy 6.0 it is possible to see the webservice call SOAP request and response in the designer log! How can I enable this debug log on the engine/server. <img alt="Webservice Log in Designer" src=""></p>SupportIvyTeamMon, 05 Sep 2016 15:49:05 -0400 log on ivy server for application<p>Hello All,</p> <p>How do I configure the log4j to show the ivy.log.debug() messages for an application ?</p> <p>Best Regards, Yordan</p>Stelt0Thu, 18 Aug 2016 13:56:41 -0400 Designer/ Engine<p>Hi,</p> <p>I have several questions about logging.</p> <ol> <li> <p>How do I get the Role AND UserName of the Process Starting Person in my log file ? And in general the Role and Username of the working person on a task. Something like ?</p> </li> <li> <p>When I call a Web Service in the Designer, then in my Log File the input and output parameter are written down. But when I call the same Process on the Engine, I only get the input parameter of the web service, but not the output. How can I change this ?</p> </li> <li> <p>Is it possible to log in which sort of Element the log was done ? Something like Script Step, User Task, etc...</p> </li> <li> <p>With "ivy.task.getStartProcessData() " I can get the incoming Data but how can I get the outgoing Data ? For example for a User Task, where the incoming data are changed by the user and these changed data are outgoing/flowing to another User Task. I tried "ivy.task.getEndProcessData()" but there I only get "null" as a result.</p> </li> <li> <p>Another question: How can I configure the Permission and System Permissions in the Designer ?</p> </li> </ol>Michael94Wed, 03 Aug 2016 15:16:03 -0400 can I configure a separate log file for the runtime log?<p>I would like to have two log files. One for he ivy system messages and one for the runtime log messages. How can I configure that?</p>Reto WeissTue, 28 Jun 2016 15:28:38 -0400 show_sql<p>Hello Ivy-Team,</p> <p>how can I configurate the hibernate.show_sql property? I tried to configurate it in the persistence configuration editor but nothing happened. Is there something else I have to do?</p> <p>Thanks for answers<img alt="alt text" src=""></p>Florian HeinrichFri, 04 Dec 2015 15:42:51 -0500 page on Process Start with http-request link and 'Only wf users' set to true<p>Is there a way to configure a process start with a http link to show the login page if the caller is not logged in?</p> <p>I defined the JsfWorkflowUi as 'Default Pages Implementor' but this didn't worked. Creating a process with a DefaultLoginPage.ivp start step didn't worked to.</p> <p>Do I need to catch the 'Role Violation Exception' and redirect to a login page?</p>tiagoThu, 15 Oct 2015 10:37:30 -0400 about endless loop or blocked at the process element<h2><strong>In the log file of our project we have an error:</strong></h2> <pre><code>05:43:46 ERROR [ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.engine.internal] [pool-1-thread-3] [executionContext=SYSTEM] The following requests seems to loop endless or are blocked: 1372F90D43E65C7E/1372F90D43E65C7E-f11/TaskA.ivp(17109512.20863568.0.0) [Executing since 26 minutes. At the moment the process element 138C2B0B699D731A-f3-io2 of alag_bpmp/alag_ria$5 is executed. Functional Processes/writeLeaseApplication.mod/137C0D1EEFE8D1EC-f0.callExternalSub(17109512.20863568.0.1) [Executing since 26 minutes. At the moment the process element 138C2B0B699D731A-f3-io2 of alag_bpmp/alag_integration$5 is executed. 1372F90D43E65C7E/1372F90D43E65C7E-f11/TaskA.ivp(17210747.21050632.0.0) [Executing since 26 minutes. At the moment the process element 138C2B0B699D731A-f3-io2 of alag_bpmp/alag_ria$5 is executed. Functional Processes/writeLeaseApplication.mod/137C0D1EEFE8D1EC-f0.callExternalSub(17210747.21050632.0.1) [Executing since 26 minutes. At the moment the process element 138C2B0B699D731A-f3-io2 of alag_bpmp/alag_integration$5 is executed. 1372F90D43E65C7E/1372F90D43E65C7E-f11/TaskA.ivp(17215488.21010717.0.0) [Executing since 27 minutes. At the moment the process element 1431D58E52392188-f3-io2 of alag_bpmp/alag_ria$5 is executed. Functional Processes/CRMInterface/reportStatusChangeToCRM.mod/142DA7A7B5BF8FCC-f0.callExternalSub(17215488.21010717.0.1) [Executing since 22 minutes. At the moment the process element 1431D58E52392188-f3-io2 of alag_bpmp/alag_integration$5 is executed. 1372F90D43E65C7E/1372F90D43E65C7E-f11/TaskA.ivp(17215626.21053445.0.0) [Executing since 26 minutes. At the moment the process element 1431D58E52392188-f3-io2 of alag_bpmp/alag_ria$5 is executed. Functional Processes/CRMInterface/reportStatusChangeToCRM.mod/142DA7A7B5BF8FCC-f0.callExternalSub(17215626.21053445.0.1) [Executing since 20 minutes. At the moment the process element 1431D58E52392188-f3-io2 of alag_bpmp/alag_integration$5 is executed. 1372F90D43E65C7E/1372F90D43E65C7E-f11/TaskA.ivp(17611524.21053061.0.0) [Executing since 26 minutes. At the moment the process element 1431D58E52392188-f3-io2 of alag_bpmp/alag_ria$5 is executed. </code></pre> <hr> <p>It happened when we call external sub, it's seem that the sub process could not be ended. We are using <strong>AxonIvyEngine5</strong> and this error happened when the server run with high load of request. Have you ever seen similar cases? And what conditions would make Ivy throw "endless loop error"? How can we prevent this error?</p>Huy TranThu, 03 Sep 2015 12:30:19 -0400 does Axon.ivy issue a lot of warning message of "Entity manager will be closed now."<p>Ever since we upgrade into Axon.ivy 5.1.x, there are a lot of WARN in the log files:</p> <pre><code>16:47:08 WARN [runtimelog.alag_bpmp.alag_integration.persistence] [pool-2-thread-302] [requestId=171088, request=, executionContext=SYSTEM] Open entity manager 'org.hibernate.ejb.EntityManagerImpl@3442bb05' detected. Entity manager will be closed now. </code></pre> <p>Could you explain under what circumstance Axon.ivy write this WARN message? What does it mean?</p> <p>P.S: In our project, we use JPA <code>EntityManager</code> to maintain transaction by obtaining it from <code>IIvyEntityManager</code>.</p> <p>Thanks</p>Genzer HawkerWed, 29 Jul 2015 04:11:44 -0400 log designer<p>Hello ivyteam!</p> <p>I face a problem with ivy runtime log during starting a job/process in ASTECS project. This job (migration) processes bigger amount of data and runs more days. Unfortulately we have to start it under 32-bit Designer and are able to configure max cca 1700 MB for max heap size. Migration always crashes after couple hours with java heap space problem.</p> <p>Is there a setup available, which writes logs in log-file in &lt;designer&gt;/logs/ folder only ? No designer runtime-log view/window. We think, this window is the cause of heap-crash under more runtime logs and not enough memory preset. However we require logs at least in log-file.</p> <p>Example desired configuration: Designer runtime-log (view/window) logging level: FATAL Runtime-log into designer logs/ subfolder level: WARN</p> <p>I have tried many combinations with adding/removing registered loggers or appenders, without reaching my goal.</p> <p>Thanks for support! josef koupal</p>josef_koupalMon, 25 May 2015 11:50:07 -0400 to configure (INFO) logging upon entering Axon Ivy subprocesses ?<p>Currently, the Axon Ivy server only logs the database transactions and web service activities without explicitly using <code></code> within the code. </p> <p>For the purpose of debugging, what we want to achieve is the same INFO logging at each subprocess's entry regardless of whether or not the flows contain database transactions and web services. Two pending questions are:</p> <ol> <li>How do we configure Axon Ivy server so that the logging happens automatically at entering the subprocesses with those subprocesses' information?</li> <li>For performance purpose, we might not want to log all the subprocesses but only a few selected ones. Is there whitelist configuration coming along?</li> </ol> <p>Thank you in advance.</p>kndTue, 05 May 2015 11:59:54 -0400 would like to modify a log level in production without having to restart the server<p>Sometimes we want to change the level of logging of a server in production.</p> <p>I am not sure this is possible without restarting the server, which is often difficult to manage depending of the customer.</p> <p>I know that log4j supports a way to dynamically reload the configuration when a file change has been detected. See <a href=",%20long%29">configureAndWatch</a>.</p> <p>Is it supported in Ivy 4.x/5.x? Is there something we can do to enable this feature?</p>A1234Fri, 28 Nov 2014 16:49:39 -0500 can I configure to get DEBUG level log messages of a log category into the Xpert.ivy Server log file.<p>For debugging I would like to get DEBUG level log messages of a certain log category in the log files of Xpert.ivy Server. </p> <p>How can I configure this?</p>Reto WeissFri, 06 Jun 2014 13:51:53 -0400 to create a new level(like INFO,ERROR...) in log4j in Xpert ivy tool ?<p>I want to create a new level(like INFO,ERROR) to use in xpertivy</p>toantpFri, 24 Jan 2014 08:07:31 -0500 soap request from web service call step<p>Hello ivy Team</p> <p>I've got an issue in Web Service Call Step behind a firewall. It is not allowed to install Wireshark or similar tool on the (outsourced) server.</p> <p>Is it possible to get the content of Soap-Request? derectly in ivy-log or something like that.</p> <p>Regards</p>SergejMon, 16 Dec 2013 10:15:42 -0500