Questions Tagged With jsf tagged <span class="tag">jsf</span>enMon, 13 May 2019 07:02:36 -0400How to find the root cause of error 500, frequently occuring in the logs<p>Some of users of my wf-app seem to face an error 500 while working. The errors show a viewExpiredException as cause of the problem. Generally this points to a session timeout issue. But as the user fires several request within seconds it doesn't make much sense, that one of the requests should fail with error 500 while others can be served as expected.</p> <p>Unfortunately the behaviour is not 100% reproducible on any dialog. The logs expose the problem for several users but there is no clear pattern to find out which behaviour leads to these errors. Do I have any chance to isolate the real issue behind these error 500 logs?</p>SupportIvyTeamMon, 13 May 2019 07:02:36 -0400 is loosing decimal point<p>After sending the form, the decimal point is lost. For example, 0,78 becomes 78</p> <p>This happens whenever I map <code>p:inputNumber</code> to the data type <code>java.lang.Number</code>.</p>SupportIvyTeamMon, 30 Apr 2018 04:29:13 -0400 practices to reduce the memory that is used by a single Html Dialog?<p>We have a huge Html Dialog that uses around 80 MB memory per session on the engine side. The dialog is like a wrapper for the full application. It contains multiple tabs and modal dialogs <code>&lt;p:dialog /&gt;</code>. </p> <p>Why is this Dialog consuming so much memory? Are there any best practices to build lightweight JSF dialogs?</p>SupportIvyTeamMon, 20 Nov 2017 07:54:54 -0500 Axon.ivy workflow front-end in existing Web solution via iFrame<p>I'd like to embedd some Axon.ivy workflow screens, such as a tasklist, in my existing WebApplication. My idea was to use an iframe. How can I do this in a secure way?</p>SupportIvyTeamFri, 17 Nov 2017 07:23:13 -0500 I reduce the session-views that are held in the engine memory?<p>The Axon.ivy ivy Engine caches 20 JSF Dialog views per session. As I have a huge dialog with lots of sub-Dialogs this consuming a lot of memory on the Engine. Can I somehow reduce the amount of cached views?</p>SupportIvyTeamFri, 03 Nov 2017 04:49:22 -0400 uploading files we get an OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space<p>We use a the p:fileUpload widget form primefaces with an upload listener like this: </p><pre><code>&lt;p:fileUpload fileUploadListener="#{logic.uploadFile}</code></pre> In the listener method we copy the file content to an byte array on a data class to store it later. The script looks like this:<p></p> <pre><code>byte[] content = IOUtils.toByteArray(in.fileUploadEvent.getFile().getInputstream()); </code></pre> <p>But after uploading multiple files we get an OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space </p>SupportIvyTeamWed, 06 May 2015 09:27:30 -0400 I execute child component logic from a parent JSF Dialog<p>How can I call a method of a JSF-component dialog from the surrounding parent dialog?</p>SupportIvyTeamMon, 16 Feb 2015 11:31:58 -0500 can I set response headers in JSF?<p>How is it possible to set http response headers in JSF? E.g. to set the <code>Cache-Control</code> reponse header to <code>no-cache, no-store</code>.</p>SupportIvyTeamFri, 08 Aug 2014 16:40:14 -0400