Questions Tagged With jsf tagged <span class="tag">jsf</span>enThu, 03 Mar 2016 08:44:40 -0500auto initialisation / number 0 from JSF View<p>Hello, we have a datatable in jsf view, one column is a number in bean. After submiting form (ivy event) we receive initialised number 0, so our validation cannot check if user inserted it manually (field is mandatory, 0 must be explicit inserted). How can we avoid the auto initialisation ?</p> <p>Karel</p>tauserThu, 03 Mar 2016 08:44:40 -0500 Format Locale Global<p>Hi, ist possible to set GLOBAL format locale for JSF Page? So there would be no needed to set &lt;f:convertnumber locale="de_DE"/&gt; be each input field?</p> <p>ivy.session.setFormattingLocale("de","DE") does not work.</p> <p>Thank you</p>tauserFri, 12 Feb 2016 08:51:09 -0500 JSF Component<p>Hi, by SelectManyMenu you can use checkboxes for selection. You can set multiple checkboxes. By clicking on the label of item is only actual item in row selected and selection by other items removed.</p> <p>Is there any simple workarround to avoid this ?</p> <p>K.</p>tauserThu, 07 Jan 2016 09:24:00 -0500 a new window from JSF<p>Hi, after user cklick a button, we generate local a PDF. We would like to show it directly to client. In RIA can we use ClientContext.showDocument, but in JSF logik works this not... How to use it in JSF ?</p>tauserFri, 25 Apr 2014 10:56:59 -0400