Questions Tagged With java tagged <span class="tag">java</span>enTue, 04 Aug 2015 14:52:40 -0400Are the Java-Files within src_dataClasses committed to a VCS?<p>When editing the Java-Class of a DataClass within the Java-Perspective it seems that the corresponding Java-Code is not committed to a VCS. How does Ivy work here? Are the ivyClass-Files used to generate those on the fly?</p>Nikel WeisTue, 04 Aug 2015 14:52:40 -0400 to hand an occuring exception to an Ivy-Exception handler?<p>I want to handle exceptions occuring in an external java class. The class is called in a script step. Now I want to pass this to an Exception Start in the Process Model. Can I achive this?</p> <p>Script Step:</p> <pre><code> try { out.geoCodeResponse = geoCode.getXMLByGoogle(address); } catch (Exception e) { // Pass exception to exception start } </code></pre> <p>Thanks for any help!</p> <p>Edit: It just came accross my mind to set an ivy-variable error:Boolean and set a condition to choose a different process path in error case. But regardless this fact, is it possible to start an Ivy-Exception start from a try-catch-block?</p>Nikel WeisFri, 18 Oct 2013 11:01:42 -0400