Questions Tagged With java tagged <span class="tag">java</span>enThu, 07 Mar 2019 23:23:39 -0500How to use Gradle with Ivy project<p>Dear Ivy team</p> <p>Currently, our Ivy projects are using Maven as the build system, but with Maven, the build process (include testing) is very slow. And I know that by using Gradle, it will help us with this problem by boosting the build process much faster than Maven.</p> <p>So I just wanna try to apply Gradle to our Ivy projects to see how much it improves our build process. Unfortunately, I got a problem with Axon.ivy Project Build Plugin. As far as I know that we need to use "Project Build Plugin" to resolve Ivy's dependencies but that plugin doesn't support Gradle. So is there any possibility to apply Gradle with Ivy project? </p> <p>Thank in advance</p>lphieuThu, 07 Mar 2019 23:23:39 -0500