Questions Tagged With ivyscript tagged <span class="tag">ivyscript</span>enWed, 23 Jul 2014 16:44:16 -0400Error on creating a typed Map in Ivyscript (Ivyscript and Generics)<p>If I create a typed Map in a script step, (e.g. <code>Map&lt;Integer, String&gt; map = new HashMap&lt;Integer,String&gt;();</code>) I get the error "Unexpected token: ','".</p> <p><img alt="alt text" src="/upfiles/[1406105117]HashMap_7.png"></p> <p>Nevertheless the code compiles and the process can be executed. Why does this error appear on the script step?</p>Barbara BruggerWed, 23 Jul 2014 16:44:16 -0400