Questions Tagged With htmluserdialog tagged <span class="tag">htmluserdialog</span>enWed, 06 Dec 2017 23:01:41 -0500Set "HTML Editor" to be default *.xhtml file association<p>Hi everyone,</p> <p>As I never use the <code>HTML Dialog Editor</code>, may I ask if we have a way to set default <code>*.xhtml</code> file association to <code>HTML Editor</code>? I tried to change the config but it doesn't affect when I double click on any <code>.xhtml</code> file or HTML Dialog View.</p> <p>Opening with HTML Dialog Editor cost a lot of time even with Source Only mode and HTML Editor is just a sec for a big view.</p> <p>Thanks</p>ToanLCWed, 06 Dec 2017 23:01:41 -0500