Questions Tagged With htmluserdialog tagged <span class="tag">htmluserdialog</span>enMon, 27 Jul 2015 10:18:57 -0400Does ivy5 support custom validator with annotation without registering in the faces-config.xml?<p>Hello ivy-team, I've created a <strong>custom validator</strong> with the @FacesValidator("ch.soreco.validator.EmailValidator") <strong>annotation</strong> and registerd the validator on a component using a validator tag and references the ID of the validator. Unfortunately i got a exception with unknown id if the page called. The validator only works if i registere it in the faces-config.xml. But for a <strong>custom converter</strong> a registration in the faces-config is not necessary.</p> <p>Could you please explain it? Thank you!</p> <p>PS: I created both components and ran the tests with ivy designer 5.1.6</p>nwk2TeamMon, 27 Jul 2015 10:18:57 -0400 to dynamically open tab which binds a ivycomponent?<p>My team got some problems with adding a new p:tab which contains ivycomponent. In the first tab of the p:tabview contains a p:datatable. A new p:tab should created/opened each time if the user clicks a row in the datatable. </p> <p>In the new p:tab should include a ivycomponent with 2 parameters, which looks like following: <img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>Has anyone already gained experience with loading ivycomponent(s) within a dynamic p:tab? Thank you for sharing!</p> <p>Kind regards</p> <p>NWK Team</p>nwk2TeamThu, 05 Mar 2015 11:01:22 -0500