Questions Tagged With htmldialog tagged <span class="tag">htmldialog</span>enFri, 28 Feb 2020 07:44:51 -0500Loading ES6 imports and Modules<p>Hello, So i was follwoing the xample in the HTMLDialogDemos, and I tried to create an es6 module and import it. This worked, however, the imports that my module require are not being imported correctly. This is due to the fact that ES6 imports dont automatically ad the "ln=xpertivy-3-webContent" query param that its calling module got. </p> <p>To be clear, i imported page.js via </p> <pre><code>&lt;h:outputScript a:type="module" library="js/PureHtmlDialog" name="page.js"&gt; &lt;/h:outputScript&gt; </code></pre> <p>which gets the file at</p> <pre><code><a href="http://localhost:8081/ivy/faces/javax.faces.resource/resources/js/PureHtmlDialog/page.js?ln=xpertivy-3-webContent&amp;xv=124700577218">http://localhost:8081/ivy/faces/javax.faces.resource/resources/js/PureHtmlDialog/page.js?ln=xpertivy-3-webContent&amp;xv=124700577218</a> </code></pre> <p>which attempts to import </p> <pre><code>import {Button,Column,Header} from "../component.js"; </code></pre> <p>which in turn gets the URL</p> <pre><code><a href="http://localhost:8081/ivy/faces/javax.faces.resource/resources/js/component.js">http://localhost:8081/ivy/faces/javax.faces.resource/resources/js/component.js</a> </code></pre> <p>if I try to visit the URL</p> <pre><code><a href="http://localhost:8081/ivy/faces/javax.faces.resource/resources/js/component.js?ln=xpertivy-3-webContent">http://localhost:8081/ivy/faces/javax.faces.resource/resources/js/component.js?ln=xpertivy-3-webContent</a> </code></pre> <p>then i can see the file correctly. </p> <p>I also tried to, inside the folder of the HTML dialog itself, to put a javascript file and import it with a plain script tag. This didnt work, and actually crashed the page. </p> <p>Is there a better way to do javascript file imports and es6 imports?</p>TareqKFri, 28 Feb 2020 07:44:51 -0500 to call HTML dialog's method from java<p>Dear Ivy team I would like to know is there any way to trigger a HTML dialog from java code. Lets me describe the situation: I have a page that contains a method named "run" <img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>In HTML view I have a button to call a method from backing bean "Bean" <img alt="alt text" src=""> Now what we need to how to trigger method "run" from the backing bean <img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>We can achieve this only when the method belongs to an Ivy component by using something like this <img alt="alt text" src=""> Unfortunately, this way only work for Ivy's component, not for the page. So my question is do we have any way to call HTML dialog's method from java?</p>hieulamWed, 04 Dec 2019 04:53:52 -0500 a HtmlDialog in 7.4 blocks my Designer<p>Hi </p> <p>If I open an HtmlDialog in my 7.4 Designer. The HtmlDialog Editor opens but it blocks endless and only displays the waiting cursor icon. I do have to kill the Designer process and restart it. What can I do?</p>Reto WeissFri, 20 Sep 2019 03:26:57 -0400 Recordsets as start parameter to ui:composition<p>Hello Ivy Team,</p> <p>I would like to pass a Recordset from a View to a ui:composition View. But I get this error. </p><pre>IllegalArgumentException: Could not assign value '[Record(Some Record Data)]' with type 'ch.ivyteam.ivy.dialog.execution.jsf.controller.IvyRecordsetResolver$RecordsetListWrapper' from class loader 'org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.EquinoxClassLoader@422e14ad[ch.ivyteam.ivy.dialog.jsf:]' to member 'recordset' with type 'ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.Recordset' </pre><p></p> <p>Is it possible to pass a Recordset by reference to a UI Composition View?</p>Florian HeinrichSat, 16 Jun 2018 08:09:31 -0400 dialog and browser back button<p>Hi, I have a problem like this:</p> <p>I have a process like this: start -&gt; html dialog A -&gt; html dialog B.</p> <p>In page A, I click proceed and the process exit dialog A and proceed to dialog B. At page B, i click the browser back button and i get an exception because the dialog instance A is already destroyed.</p> <p>I can use something like FacesContext.getExternalContext().redirect to page B. But this is not good because i heard Ivy has memory leak problem if dialog is not close by using the dialog exit end. Does you have other solutions for this ?</p> <p>Thanks.</p>Anh NguyenThu, 18 Jan 2018 05:21:37 -0500 to save a list from a Dialog?<p>Hi all,</p> <p>I have a form (dialog) that it's dynamic. In a field, the user can insert one or multiple values. For example, user has a textfield and an Add button. When the user pushes the Add button, another texfiled shuold appear in order to complete another value for the same (array/list) field.</p> <p>What's the best way to save this multiple dynamic values in a Data object from a Dialog form?</p> <p>Thanks in advance</p>jirazazabalThu, 30 Nov 2017 12:17:34 -0500 Axon.ivy workflow front-end in existing Web solution via iFrame<p>I'd like to embedd some Axon.ivy workflow screens, such as a tasklist, in my existing WebApplication. My idea was to use an iframe. How can I do this in a secure way?</p>SupportIvyTeamFri, 17 Nov 2017 07:23:13 -0500 to create cancel or park button in my Html Dialog?<p>On what should I pay attention when I want to create a cancel or a park button in my Html Dialog?</p>Alex SuterFri, 08 Sep 2017 01:43:30 -0400 quote character in format CMS<p>Hi everyone, I have an issue with single quote character (<code>'</code>) by using <code>String uri, List formatObjects)</code>. <br> When I used this <strong>Etes-vous âgé-e-s d'au moins {0} ?</strong> in CMS, it is displayed on view as <strong>Etes-vous âgé-e-s dau moins {0} ?</strong>. <br> When I used this <strong>Etes-vous âgé-e-s dau moins {0} ?</strong> (without <code>'</code>) in CMS, it is displayed on view as <strong>Etes-vous âgé-e-s dau moins 18 ?</strong>. <br> Could you please help me on this? Thank you.</p>Bao TranWed, 23 Aug 2017 00:15:09 -0400 when the user closes the window or tab of the browser in a Html Dialog<p>Hello! I have the following scenario:</p> <ol> <li>User goes to the their Personal Task List;</li> <li>There's 1 task;</li> <li>User closes the window or tab in the browser;</li> <li>User comes back in 5 minutes and goes to their Personal Task List;</li> <li>The task is gone;</li> <li>After 30 minutes, the user refreshes the page;</li> <li>The task is back;</li> </ol> <p><strong>Question 1.</strong> I understand that since the user started to work on that task (step 2), it changed from SUSPENDED to RUNNING, and other users are not able to see that task in the meantime. I don't understand why even the user that is working on that task, can't see the task in the Personal Task List.</p> <p><strong>Question 2.</strong> Using Html Dialog, How to detect when the user change the context on the browser, to bind it to an event in the Logic? For example, if the user closes the tab/window, then it would fire a process to change the task to SUSPENDED again.</p> <p>I found old answers but they don't seem to be the exact scenario:</p> <ul> <li> <p><a href="">Hook into global closing with "X" on the window</a> - It talks about Rich Dialog and Java Class, I am using Html Dialog and I would like to bind it to an event containing a Script Step with a code in Ivy Script;</p> </li> <li> <p><a href="">How can I logoff the user if he closes the browser?</a> - This one says that the task would be immediately available for the same user, but this is not what's happening in my scenario.</p> </li> </ul> <p>Thanks in advance.</p>Jailson BritoMon, 30 Jan 2017 23:51:34 -0500 and Database<p>Hello everyone :) I have a data table which is editable. Near each record there are 2 buttons: edit and delete. I am using recordset in order to fill the table with some data, but the data i am taking it actually from a data base. My problem is for example: when I push the delete button, it deletes the entry from the database, but the user still can see it on the page, so i need to stop the process and start it again to have the updated values. How this issue can be fixed or any suggestion/approach would be fine :)</p>tano9321Wed, 14 Dec 2016 15:12:39 -0500 URL with Proxy<p>Hi All,</p> <p>is it possible to have Ivy generated URLs Proxy aware ?</p> <p>for example: ivy.html.startref("Start Processes/DashboardPages/DefaultApplicationHomePage.ivp")</p> <p>how can I say what is my proxy server ?</p> <p>Best Regards, Yordan</p>Stelt0Thu, 25 Aug 2016 12:53:08 -0400 CMS in Javascript file<p>Hello All,</p> <p>Is it possible to reference CMS resources in a Javascript file ? (Like in the way we access them in CSS file)</p> <p>Also is it possible to get resources from the CMS via Ajax from Html DIalog ?</p> <p>Best Regards, Yordan Yunchov</p>Stelt0Fri, 08 Jul 2016 10:34:59 -0400 call from HTML Dialog to consume Web Service and REST Service<p>Hi All,</p> <p>I have the situation where from HTML dialog I need to make custom Ajax call to ivy Web Service in the same process. I`m wandering what would be the implications of this approach regarding the security context.</p> <p>The Ajax call will send a HTTP request with the cookie session of the currently logged user. Will this be enough for ivy engine to identify the user ?</p> <p>This question is also valid for the future release 6.2 when it comes to REST services.</p> <p>Best Regards, Yordan</p>Stelt0Thu, 23 Jun 2016 17:40:38 -0400 a Task in a HTML-Process<p>Is there a way to start a task in a HTML-Process similar to RIA:</p> <pre><code>TaskStartConfiguration tc = new TaskStartConfiguration(currentTask, null); ivy.rd.startTask(tc); </code></pre> <p>I need to start tasks in a loop (get them to the next TaskSwitch) from a HTML-Process.</p>Bruno HWed, 11 May 2016 14:13:47 -0400 set an application specific theme in the Admin UI but it has no effect, what is wrong?<p>When I set an application specific theme in the AdminUI (Axon.ivy 6.0.1 or later) it has no effect. The theme still is the default one. What is wrong?</p>Reto WeissWed, 23 Dec 2015 12:19:26 -0500