Questions Tagged With galleria tagged <span class="tag">galleria</span>enFri, 14 Feb 2014 08:31:05 -0500How to show picture with galleria element using an absolute path<p>I have to show pictures within a galleria - Element, but it is not possible to use a relative path. When running the application I get no error, but the shown p:galleria is empty. </p> <p>The script is built as follows:</p> <p>p:galleria value="#{data.Data.bestandBild.umsetzen}" var="image" panelWidth="900" <br> panelHeight="600" showCaption="true"&gt;<br> p:graphicImage value="#{data.Data.urlWiki}#{image}" /&gt;<br> /p:galleria&gt;</p> <p>Source Process Data e.g.: Data.Data.urlWiki: 'E:/fotos/13-14-12-Amersfoort/' Data.Data.bestandBild.umsetzen: 'L1070273.JPG'</p> <p>The Firebug-console "Fehler" does not show anything, in the Firebug-Console "All" I can see all Pictures e.g.: img id="myForm:j_id_h:j_id_66" src="E:/Fotos/13-12-12-Amersfoort/L1070273.JPG" alt="" </p>Richard SchmidFri, 14 Feb 2014 08:31:05 -0500