Questions Tagged With faces-config.xml tagged <span class="tag">faces-config.xml</span>enTue, 23 Oct 2018 00:06:34 -0400Support for @FacesComponent within an Axon.ivy project without putting jars into ivy/WEB-INF/lib?<p>Hi Ivy Team</p> <p>According to the Release Notes of Axon.ivy Engine</p> <pre><code>Changes in 5.0 (since product release, 7.5.2012) * Issue #23896 (Feature): Support implementing JSF Converter in Xpert.ivy projects Update Release (22.10.2015) + 24770 Feature Respect @FacesValidator annotation Changes in (since product release, 12.9.2014) 24.11.2015 - Faces validator support </code></pre> <p>So <code>@FacesConverter</code> and <code>@FacesValidator</code> are supported in project-scoped since v5.x and v6.0.</p> <p>Is it possible to create custom <code>@FacesComponent</code> in project-scope as well without the need of making JAR files and put it in <code>ivy/WEB-INF/lib</code>? on the latest version v7.0.x?</p>Genzer HawkerTue, 23 Oct 2018 00:06:34 -0400 Exception Handling<p>Hello ivy-team, is it possible to handle unexpected Exceptions like RuntimeExceptions? For example, we would like to send an email with all exception information to our developer team and display a specific error message. We would like to display this message in the current user dialog (JSF) and not redirect to an other error page. I tried to create a CustomExceptionHandlerFactory and set this class as exception-handler-factory in the faces-config.xml. Doing this in the Project webContent/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml has no effect. Doing this in the Designer webapps/ivy/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml throws a ClassNotFoundException. Could you please explain how to do this or is there a nicer way?</p>Florian HeinrichFri, 30 Oct 2015 15:19:35 -0400 to enable use of properties files<p>For my solution i need .properties-Files. I already implemented what I need in another Eclipse. There it works. Now the actual problem: When I deploy my Ivy solution the files stay in the classes folder (thats ok though) but doesn't appear in the WEB-INF/classes/. The second problem is that the faces-config.xml gets overwritten during the deployment. this as well I need for the internationalization.</p> <p>Thanks for hints and ideas! Daniel</p>Daniel OechslinTue, 11 Feb 2014 16:30:36 -0500 to develop/debug classes that are integrated in the faces-config.xml?<p>What is the best way/practice to develop and debug classes which need to be referenced in the faces-config.xml? I've this problem with custom validators and a custom phase listener that should be implemented. </p> <p>My current approach is to close the Designer and start it again for every debug or development step, which makes development of custom validators and PhaseListeners a pain. Is there a better way to have access to debugging &amp; development facilities?</p>Nikel WeisThu, 28 Nov 2013 10:48:28 -0500