Questions Tagged With exceptionhandling tagged <span class="tag">exceptionhandling</span>enWed, 11 Dec 2019 09:41:15 -0500multiple exceptions lead to ivy:error:loop<p>Hi there</p> <p>We get an "ivy:error:loop" exception by Ivy in a loop. In this loop, we send some ws calls in a Callable Sub. Possibles exceptions are not handled in the Callable Process, but are caught by a "Inscribe Error Boundary Event" on the Callable Sub Element. The loop-exception occurs when we receive an exception (ivy:error:webservice:exception) in this Callable Sub twice.</p> <p>From our point of view one task could easily receive more than one identical exception during its execution. Ivy should not send a loop-exception in this case.</p> <p>Why does Ivy react like that? Have we done something wrong?<br> Is there a solution or workaround for our problem?</p>Adrian ImfeldWed, 11 Dec 2019 09:41:15 -0500 Exception Handling<p>Hi IvyTeam,</p> <p>Currently i used ErrorStartEvent to catch exception in the Html Dialogs, this the good way to handle exception, i could catch every exception, thanks for support. However my project has a lot Html Dialogs, is there way to to create java class to listen the exception? it mean when the server starting then this class listen every exception.</p> <p>thanks, Tung Dong</p>Tung DongThu, 18 Oct 2018 23:10:27 -0400 with handling exception by AjaxExceptionHandler<p>Hi all,</p> <p>I faced a problem when trying to use AjaxExceptionHandler as follow link: <a href=""></a> that the implicit object pfExceptionHandler was not updated automatically when exception occured. Even if I have tried with AjaxExceptionHandler in managed bean.</p> <p>Like this:</p> <pre><code>AjaxExceptionHandler aeh = new AjaxExceptionHandler(); aeh.setType("ch.ivyteam.util.IvyRuntimeException"); aeh.setUpdate("exceptionInfo"); aeh.setOnexception("updateExceptionInfo();"); FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); context.getApplication().evaluateExpressionGet(context, "#{pfExceptionHandler}", ExceptionInfo.class); </code></pre> <p>but the exception content still not updated.</p> <p>Does any body experienced with this?</p> <p>Thanks, Tam Nguyen</p>tam_nguyenvanWed, 08 Aug 2018 02:39:32 -0400 to get root cause of BpmException<p>Hi all</p> <p>In the exception handling of new ivy (6.0) we have a new term that is BpmError, i'm catching it but now i want to know what is the rootcause of that exception, so how can i get it from BpmError. Here is the stacktrace of exception: <img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>The read box is the root cause actually that i want to get it out.</p> <p>Is there any way?</p> <p>Thanks</p>trungdvWed, 07 Dec 2016 12:05:02 -0500 Exception Handling<p>Hello ivy-team, is it possible to handle unexpected Exceptions like RuntimeExceptions? For example, we would like to send an email with all exception information to our developer team and display a specific error message. We would like to display this message in the current user dialog (JSF) and not redirect to an other error page. I tried to create a CustomExceptionHandlerFactory and set this class as exception-handler-factory in the faces-config.xml. Doing this in the Project webContent/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml has no effect. Doing this in the Designer webapps/ivy/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml throws a ClassNotFoundException. Could you please explain how to do this or is there a nicer way?</p>Florian HeinrichFri, 30 Oct 2015 15:19:35 -0400 page on Process Start with http-request link and 'Only wf users' set to true<p>Is there a way to configure a process start with a http link to show the login page if the caller is not logged in?</p> <p>I defined the JsfWorkflowUi as 'Default Pages Implementor' but this didn't worked. Creating a process with a DefaultLoginPage.ivp start step didn't worked to.</p> <p>Do I need to catch the 'Role Violation Exception' and redirect to a login page?</p>tiagoThu, 15 Oct 2015 10:37:30 -0400 can I configure a special error page for a certain exception<p>I want to configure a error page that is shown if a certain exception occurs in Axon.ivy. How can I do that?</p>Reto WeissFri, 09 Jan 2015 08:33:36 -0500 Handling: How to get the error message<p>How can I access the exception message in a exception start process element?</p> <p>Original Question (in German only):</p> <p>Ich versuche für unsere Studierenden (Unterricht an der ZHAW) eine möglichst generische Fehlerbehandlung aufzuzeigen. Folgendes schwebt mir vor:</p> <ol> <li>Siehe erstes Bild. Pro Prozess füge ich einen Pool 'Fehlerbehandlung' (1) mit einem Lane pro Fehlerquelle hinzu (z.B. 'DB Step Exception) (2)</li> <li>In diesem Lane gibt es ein Exception Start-Element (3)</li> <li>Innerhalb des Prozesses kann ich nun überall dieses Start-Element als Exception Handling verwenden, wo es passt (4, 5, 6)</li> <li>Das Exception Handling selbst soll zunächst einmal darin bestehen, eine aussagekräftige Fehlermeldung anzuzeigen. Hierfür habe ich einen prozessübergreifenden Subprozess 'DisplayErrorPage' erzeugt (zweites Bild)</li> <li>Innerhalb dieses Subprozesses möchte ich nun in Abhängigkeit des aufgetretenen Java-Fehlers (siehe zum Beispiel drittes Bild) über eine unterschiedliche Fehlermeldung reagieren. <strong>Zu diesem Zweck müsste ich aber programmatisch irgendwie auf die Error Message (z.B. drittes Bild) zugreifen können. Wie kann ich dies bewerkstelligen?</strong> Ich vermutete zunächst, dass dies ein Objekt in der ivy-Hierarchie ist, fand aber nichts.</li> </ol> <p>Ich wäre sehr froh um eine Antwort bis 13.11. 12 Uhr, damit ich rechtzeitig ein Video für die Studierenden erstellen kann.</p> <p><img alt="A" src="/upfiles/A.png"> <img alt="B" src="/upfiles/B.png"> <img alt="C" src="/upfiles/C.png"></p>BjörnMon, 11 Nov 2013 16:04:06 -0500