Questions Tagged With elasticsearch tagged <span class="tag">elasticsearch</span>enTue, 24 Sep 2019 02:58:44 -0400How to persist fields in ivy repo but not index in elastic?<p>For some projects it is interesting to store all data including files to the database so we can run such instances in docker and share the database. This way it would be possible to store the data in the business repo, even as we seen in <a href=""></a> it is not always efficient. But we would not need to index the base64 conent of the file in elastic. Is it possible?</p>adamfTue, 24 Sep 2019 02:58:44 -0400 to connect kibana with Axon.ivy designer`s internal elasticsearch server?<p>As a developer I would like to visualize elasticsearch data generated by the Axon.Ivy Desginer. This turns out not so easy because in Designer 7.0.x and 7.3 we use elasticsearch 5.5 without the x-pack plugin, and kibana 5.5 by default comes with x-pack plugin enabled. What is the best way to connect kibana to our elasticsearch ?</p>adamfWed, 11 Sep 2019 10:25:42 -0400