Questions Tagged With designer tagged <span class="tag">designer</span>enFri, 20 Sep 2019 03:26:57 -0400Opening a HtmlDialog in 7.4 blocks my Designer<p>Hi </p> <p>If I open an HtmlDialog in my 7.4 Designer. The HtmlDialog Editor opens but it blocks endless and only displays the waiting cursor icon. I do have to kill the Designer process and restart it. What can I do?</p>Reto WeissFri, 20 Sep 2019 03:26:57 -0400 to grant permssions to a user or role in Designer?<p>How can I grant additional permissions to a user or role in Designer? There seems to be no editor to configure that.</p>Reto WeissFri, 25 Apr 2014 08:46:22 -0400