Questions Tagged With designer tagged <span class="tag">designer</span>enTue, 05 May 2015 17:08:30 -0400Disable a box (step)<p>Hello,</p> <p>in the designer, is there a way to disable a box (e.g. a call box or a script box). Doing the same as in java when you comment some lines.</p> <p>ty Denis</p>dbalasseTue, 05 May 2015 17:08:30 -0400 HTML Dialog - Exit End not closing the Dialog<p>Hello, I have a problem closing a JSF HTML Dialog.</p> <p>A start process is launching a JSF HTML Dialog (consultation List Demande) with a list of demands (some data). In this list of demand each demand can be displayed by cliking on a button. This button launches another JSF HTML Dialog (open selected demand) which displays the details of this demand.</p> <p>When finished, the user click on the exit button. A <code>ExitEnd</code> is used to get back to the first HTML Dialog. I want to display the list of demands again so i close the "selectDemande" to get back to the Start Process and if a boolean is false i restart the first HTML dialog (with the list).</p> <p><img alt="alt text" src=""><img alt="alt text" src=""><img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>The problem is that when i try to finish the first HTML dialog (the one with the list) it starts a loop as shown here : <img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>It's like the <code>ExitEnd</code> closes the second HTML Dialog (the one with the detail) again and not the one with the list.</p> <p>There is obviously something I do wrong but I can't see what.</p>dbalasseMon, 09 Feb 2015 17:36:50 -0500