Questions Tagged With configuration tagged <span class="tag">configuration</span>enFri, 31 May 2019 10:29:36 -0400Docker, dropins, AuthenticationValve<p>Hi Ivy Team</p> <p>I am building a Docker image based on axonivy/axonivy-engine:7.2.1. In our project we have a few JARs which should go into the dropins folder but during Ivy startup I get the following error :</p> <pre><code>14:13:05.368 ERROR [org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.Digester] [localhost-startStop-1] Begin event threw exception java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.axonivy.auth.valve.AuthenticationValve cannot be found by ch.ivyteam.tomcat_8.5.34.201810151000 ... 4:13:05.380 ERROR [...apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig] [localhost-startStop-1] Parse error in context.xml for [/ivy] org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; systemId: file:/usr/lib/axonivy-engine-7x/webapps/ivy/META-INF/context.xml; lineNumber: 13; columnNumber: 66; Error at (13, 66) : com.axonivy.auth.valve.AuthenticationValve cannot be found by ch.ivyteam.tomcat_8.5.34.201810151000 </code></pre> <p>So far I did the following:</p> <p>1) Dockerfile:</p> <pre><code>COPY --chown=ivy:ivy axonivy7-engine-folder-setup/dropins/* /usr/lib/axonivy-engine-7x/dropins/ </code></pre> <p>2) Check if files exist after Ivy startup:</p> <pre><code>ivy@22ae6389e9e5:/usr/lib/axonivy-engine-7x/dropins$ ls -ltr total 956 -rwxr-xr-x 1 ivy ivy 2028 Mar 8 2018 README.html -rwxr-xr-x 1 ivy ivy 962431 Jul 19 2018 com.axonivy.auth.valve.AuthenticationValve_1.0.0.201807190929.jar -rwxr-xr-x 1 ivy ivy 1622 Aug 1 2018 workflow.klara_patchNoBusinessCaseQuery_1.0.0.201807311434.jar -rw-r--r-- 1 ivy ivy 8078 Nov 5 2018 </code></pre> <p>3) Check if JARs are listed using ss in console, but all the JARs in dropins are not listed:</p> <p>Axon.ivy Engine is running and ready to serve. [19778ms] Type 'shutdown' and confirm with ENTER to stop the running engine instance ss "Framework is launched."</p> <pre><code>id State Bundle 0 ACTIVE org.eclipse.osgi_3.13.0.v20180409-1500 Fragments=2, 1 1 RESOLVED ch.ivyteam.ivy.osgi.classpatcher_7.2.1.201811131504 Master=0 2 RESOLVED org.eclipse.osgi.compatibility.state_1.1.100.v20180331-1743 Master=0 3 ACTIVE org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator_1.3.0.v20180502-1828 </code></pre> <p>As far as I understood, one should copy the JARs into the dropins folder and it should work</p> <p>Thanks &amp; Regards John</p>John MoserFri, 31 May 2019 10:29:36 -0400, Global Properties, Placeholder, app.yaml<p>Hi Ivy Team</p> <p>Assuming I have a global prop such as :</p> <p>myGlobalProp: <a href="http://myIP:1234/whatever">http://myIP:1234/whatever</a></p> <p>myIP is different for Dev, Test and Prod. Is there a way to "inject" myIP at startup of the Docker image ?</p> <p>Or generally:</p> <p>If I want to build an image which should be deployed in Dev, Test and Prod, is there a way to parameterize all the config files used for the Ivy Engine (yaml, xml, etc.) ?</p> <p>Thanks &amp; Regards John</p>John MoserMon, 20 May 2019 11:20:27 -0400