Questions Tagged With configuration tagged <span class="tag">configuration</span>enWed, 17 Jun 2020 00:17:03 -0400Configure Administrators by Environment variable in Axon.ivy 8<p>Hi Ivy Team,</p> <p>I would like to configure Administrators by using Environment variable, I can configure <code>systemdb:url</code> by using <code>IVY_SYSTEMDB_URL</code>. But the structure Administrators config is different:</p> <p>YAML:</p> <pre><code>Administrators: admin: Password: "${hash:mySecret}" Email: </code></pre> <p>Can I create Environment variables like following:</p> <pre><code>IVY_ADMINISTRATORS_ADMIN=&lt;value??&gt; IVY_ADMINISTRATORS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=&lt;password&gt; </code></pre> <p>I use Environment variable because I'm running Axon.ivy Engine within Containerized environment, and Environment variable is the suitable way to store configuration.</p> <p>I could see the Global Variables, Security System face the same issue.</p> <p>Thank for your support.</p>vinh_Wed, 17 Jun 2020 00:17:03 -0400 Yaml files in Zip for deployment<p>Hello, is it possible to package an app.yaml file with the deployment zip in order to configure the application from code in a non-docker deployment?</p>TareqKThu, 14 May 2020 05:22:58 -0400, dropins, AuthenticationValve<p>Hi Ivy Team</p> <p>I am building a Docker image based on axonivy/axonivy-engine:7.2.1. In our project we have a few JARs which should go into the dropins folder but during Ivy startup I get the following error :</p> <pre><code>14:13:05.368 ERROR [org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.Digester] [localhost-startStop-1] Begin event threw exception java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.axonivy.auth.valve.AuthenticationValve cannot be found by ch.ivyteam.tomcat_8.5.34.201810151000 ... 4:13:05.380 ERROR [...apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig] [localhost-startStop-1] Parse error in context.xml for [/ivy] org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; systemId: file:/usr/lib/axonivy-engine-7x/webapps/ivy/META-INF/context.xml; lineNumber: 13; columnNumber: 66; Error at (13, 66) : com.axonivy.auth.valve.AuthenticationValve cannot be found by ch.ivyteam.tomcat_8.5.34.201810151000 </code></pre> <p>So far I did the following:</p> <p>1) Dockerfile:</p> <pre><code>COPY --chown=ivy:ivy axonivy7-engine-folder-setup/dropins/* /usr/lib/axonivy-engine-7x/dropins/ </code></pre> <p>2) Check if files exist after Ivy startup:</p> <pre><code>ivy@22ae6389e9e5:/usr/lib/axonivy-engine-7x/dropins$ ls -ltr total 956 -rwxr-xr-x 1 ivy ivy 2028 Mar 8 2018 README.html -rwxr-xr-x 1 ivy ivy 962431 Jul 19 2018 com.axonivy.auth.valve.AuthenticationValve_1.0.0.201807190929.jar -rwxr-xr-x 1 ivy ivy 1622 Aug 1 2018 workflow.klara_patchNoBusinessCaseQuery_1.0.0.201807311434.jar -rw-r--r-- 1 ivy ivy 8078 Nov 5 2018 </code></pre> <p>3) Check if JARs are listed using ss in console, but all the JARs in dropins are not listed:</p> <p>Axon.ivy Engine is running and ready to serve. [19778ms] Type 'shutdown' and confirm with ENTER to stop the running engine instance ss "Framework is launched."</p> <pre><code>id State Bundle 0 ACTIVE org.eclipse.osgi_3.13.0.v20180409-1500 Fragments=2, 1 1 RESOLVED ch.ivyteam.ivy.osgi.classpatcher_7.2.1.201811131504 Master=0 2 RESOLVED org.eclipse.osgi.compatibility.state_1.1.100.v20180331-1743 Master=0 3 ACTIVE org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator_1.3.0.v20180502-1828 </code></pre> <p>As far as I understood, one should copy the JARs into the dropins folder and it should work</p> <p>Thanks &amp; Regards John</p>John MoserFri, 31 May 2019 10:29:36 -0400, Global Properties, Placeholder, app.yaml<p>Hi Ivy Team</p> <p>Assuming I have a global prop such as :</p> <p>myGlobalProp: <a href="http://myIP:1234/whatever">http://myIP:1234/whatever</a></p> <p>myIP is different for Dev, Test and Prod. Is there a way to "inject" myIP at startup of the Docker image ?</p> <p>Or generally:</p> <p>If I want to build an image which should be deployed in Dev, Test and Prod, is there a way to parameterize all the config files used for the Ivy Engine (yaml, xml, etc.) ?</p> <p>Thanks &amp; Regards John</p>John MoserMon, 20 May 2019 11:20:27 -0400 do I specify the maximum number of connections to the IvySystemDatabase?<p>I would like to increase the size of the database connection pool to the system database. I couldn't find a system property that does that so far.</p> <p>Can I change the connection pool size and if yes, how?</p>SupportIvyTeamFri, 06 Jul 2018 09:27:05 -0400 Ivy Server to another Machine<p>Hello, Ivy Team,</p> <p>We are planning to move one existing installation of Axon.Ivy Server to another machine. What are the pitfalls in such scenarios? </p> <ul> <li>We will copy-paste the whole installation folder to the new server (the file system paths will be the same)</li> <li>We will attach the AxonIvySystemDatabse to the new server (p.s. we will also migrating to different db server)</li> <li>We need to change the license file</li> <li>We need to update the configuration to point to the new db server</li> <li>Probably we need to update the server name in the Admin UI </li> </ul> <p>All should be straightforward, right ? Are we missing something ?</p> <p>Best Regards, Yordan</p>Stelt0Tue, 21 Nov 2017 08:29:28 -0500 Control for Axon.Ivy project<p>Hello Ivy Team,</p> <p>Do you have any advise what is the proper way to setup SVN and Git in order to manage the code ?</p> <p>I see that the files in \src_dataClasses and \classes folders are deleted (including the .gitignore inside) Also the files inside .settings folder should not be watched for changes, but they need to be part of the initial commit (they contains passwords for the email server in clear text !)</p> <p>Best Regards, Yordan</p>Stelt0Wed, 23 Aug 2017 02:20:58 -0400 stettings store<p>Hello, Ivy Team!</p> <p>I`m looking for a way to restore the default server setting of the Engine manually.</p> <p>I have found the table that stores the default values: SELECT * FROM public.iwa_systemproperty</p> <p>can you tell me where I can find the applied configurations ? are they in another table or in a file ?</p> <p>p.s. I need to restore the manually, because I accidentally changed some of the address settings and the AdminUI is not longer accessible for me.</p> <p>Best Regards, Yordan</p>Stelt0Mon, 24 Apr 2017 08:08:34 -0400 to avoid the Error Http Status Code 409?<p>Scenario:</p> <ol> <li>user1 authenticates and starts a task;</li> <li>Then, user1 closes the browser window with the task open;</li> <li>Finally, authenticates again and try to do the task.</li> </ol> <p>Then, it throw the Error: "Error Http Status Code 409", ConflictRequestException: "You cannot work on the task '305 - User 1 - Task 1 - ' with the identifier '41' because the user 'user1' is currently working on it.". </p> <p>The simulation doesn't start before the error, so I am wondering if it could be just a configuration on Axon Ivy. My Question is <strong>How to avoid the Error Http Status Code 409?</strong> </p> <p>Any help is appreciated.</p> <p>Notes: </p> <ul> <li>In my user application, the tasks are showing using the approach explained in <a href="">findWorkTasks() never returns tasks in TaskState.RESUMED state</a>;</li> <li>Since it's not reliable in all browsers, I am avoiding to handle the window closing: <a href="">Detecting when the user closes the window or tab of the browser in a Html Dialog</a>;</li> <li>It seems that the Portal handles the action differently for RESUMED and SUSPENDED tasks, that's my plan B;</li> <li>Engine Version 6.0.5;</li> </ul>Jailson BritoTue, 07 Feb 2017 18:32:50 -0500 in headless mode<p>I try to start the ControlCenter in headless mode, but I hit this error: java.awt.HeadlessException: No X11 DISPLAY variable was set, but this program performed an operation which requires it.</p> <p>There is no XServer on this machine so the error does make sens. Documentation mention we can start it in command line mode: <a href=""></a></p> <p>But I can't manage to make it work. I've try various switch and various syntax (-headless, -h) and try to display an help file somehow (-?,?... )</p> <p>I've try to figure it out by looking at content, control.conf and Didn't find anything relevant. This is on our version of engine 6.0.5. I've try to run the 6.3 version as well (present on this server) and I got the same exception.</p>RemiMorinWed, 01 Feb 2017 17:17:36 -0500 when converting project to version 6.0.5<p>When every we try to convert one of our existing project to the current Designer version we receive the following exception: </p> <pre><code># Conversion log for project 'xapf_customer' from version 0 to 51917 # Created on 07.12.2016 13:50:18 07.12.2016 13:50:18 : Info : Scanning contents of &lt;L/xapf_customer/src_rd/ch/ivyteam/ivy/addons/commondialogs/MessageDialogOverride/MessageDialogOverride.eventmappings&gt; 07.12.2016 13:50:18 : Info : Scanning contents of &lt;L/xapf_customer/src_rd/ch/ivyteam/ivy/addons/commondialogs/LoginDialogOverride/LoginDialogOverride.eventmappings&gt; 07.12.2016 13:50:18 : New Task : Updating cms/configurations of project. 07.12.2016 13:50:18 : New Task : Removing obsolete content from project cms. 07.12.2016 13:50:18 : New Task : Adding new default HMTL content to project cms. 07.12.2016 13:50:18 : New Task : Creating configuration DB with content. 07.12.2016 13:50:18 : Error : Unexpected error when converting project 'xapf_customer'. 07.12.2016 13:50:18 : Error : Cms with name/id &lt;config&gt; exists already for process model version &lt;designer$xapf_customer$1&gt; at at$advice( at at at ch.ivyteam.ivy.designer.project.internal.convert.tasks.UpdateContentToVersion3.doConvertProject( at ch.ivyteam.ivy.designer.project.restricted.convert.AbstractIvyProjectConverterTask.convertProject( at ch.ivyteam.ivy.designer.project.restricted.convert.IvyProjectConverter$ at ch.ivyteam.eclipse.util.WorkspaceRunnable$ at at at ch.ivyteam.eclipse.util.WorkspaceRunnable.execute( at ch.ivyteam.ivy.designer.project.restricted.convert.IvyProjectConverter.convertProject( at ch.ivyteam.ivy.designer.project.restricted.convert.IvyProjectConverter$ at org.eclipse.jface.operation.ModalContext$ </code></pre> <p>Can someone please explain what is going on?</p>ruffzyWed, 07 Dec 2016 13:55:10 -0500 datasources: bottle neck<p>Hello Ivy team,</p> <p>By the default, an ivy datasource has max connection is "5". Now we are facing with an issue that our application run very slowly. If we change the max connection from "5" to "50", the performance is really better, we can see the big different result after changing.</p> <p>The question is what is the suitable number of max connection? And can you share a little bit how you handle the connection pool in Ivy?</p> <p>Best regards, Nam Nguyen</p>namnguyenwowMon, 01 Aug 2016 12:08:45 -0400 of Connection Pool<p>Hi</p> <p>Is it possible to use the connection pool from ivy in a Java class?</p> <p>I currently reading the database configuration with : <code> Ivy.wfCase().getApplication().findExternalDatabaseConfiguration("myDB") </code></p> <p>and open the configuration with: <code> ch.ivyteam.db.jdbc.DatabaseUtil.openConnection(dbConf) ch.ivyteam.db.jdbc.DatabaseUtil.DatabaseUtil.closeConnection(conn); </code></p> <p>With this approach it doesn't use the pooled connections like in an ivy database step.</p>MichaelThu, 10 Mar 2016 09:17:17 -0500 to configure (INFO) logging upon entering Axon Ivy subprocesses ?<p>Currently, the Axon Ivy server only logs the database transactions and web service activities without explicitly using <code></code> within the code. </p> <p>For the purpose of debugging, what we want to achieve is the same INFO logging at each subprocess's entry regardless of whether or not the flows contain database transactions and web services. Two pending questions are:</p> <ol> <li>How do we configure Axon Ivy server so that the logging happens automatically at entering the subprocesses with those subprocesses' information?</li> <li>For performance purpose, we might not want to log all the subprocesses but only a few selected ones. Is there whitelist configuration coming along?</li> </ol> <p>Thank you in advance.</p>kndTue, 05 May 2015 11:59:54 -0400 do I set alternative gateway to interrogate the database ?<p>Hi , </p> <p>in my project I've set the following conditions in the alternative gateway : </p> <p>in.Login.givenpassword.matches(in.Login.parola.parola) !in.Login.givenpassword.matches(in.Login.parola.parola)</p> <p>So it the password from the database is correct , it goes further , if password interrogated in the database is not correct the process goes to the alternative gateway to login again . </p> <p>The problem is that it does not matter what I type in the password field as process goes on the same path : !in.Login.givenpassword.matches(in.Login.parola.parola)</p> <p>What am I doing wrong ?</p> <p>Regards, Anda</p>andachiritaMon, 27 Apr 2015 11:05:23 -0400 System-DB on DB-Server without EngineConfigurationUI<p>With the AxonIvyEngineConfigurationUI I can create a MS-SQL DB on my developer workstation. In production I do not have enough rights to create a System-DB on the SQL Server. So our operations team must create the empty System-DB without Java on the DB-Server. Is there a dump that can be used to for this task?</p>SupportIvyTeamTue, 17 Feb 2015 14:08:17 -0500 a new webapp in the Designer Webserver<p>How can I integrate a new webapp to the Designer Webserver? </p> <p>I copied the files of this webapp to {INSTALLATION_FOLDER}\webapps\, but unfortunally i was not able to find any information about how i can configure/integrate it to the Designer Webserver.</p> <p>I'm using AxonIvyDesinger 5.1</p>tiagoMon, 08 Dec 2014 17:22:05 -0500 there a docker image available?<p>I'd like to run the Axon.ivy Engine in a docker container. Is there a docker image available for that?</p>DanielGauchMon, 28 Jul 2014 09:16:01 -0400 can I configure the connector settings of the Ivy Server/Engine?<p>Where can I configure the connector settings of the internal tomcat in the Ivy Server/Engine? In a normal tomcat the connector can be configured in the conf/server.xml file:</p> <pre><code>... &lt;connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1" connectionTimeout="20000" redirectPort="8443" compression="on" compressionMinSize="1024" compressableMimeType="text/css,application/javascript" /&gt; ... </code></pre>Christian StrebelTue, 15 Jul 2014 16:39:43 -0400 to send an email reminder<p>When I create a new task, the email notification will be send for approve user. Is it impossible to send an email reminder for a user after one week if approve user doesn't process on the new task?</p>rootdnWed, 02 Jul 2014 10:47:27 -0400 to setup Mongo DB in Xpert.ivy?<p>Can some one help to setup mongoDB in Xpert.ivy?</p>mprvijayThu, 12 Jun 2014 09:03:31 -0400 to config send email daily?<p>Hi all,</p> <p>I read on the server Guide and implement like this, but it's not working. Current config now is work with send Email when create new task. This is my step:</p> <ol> <li>Create startprocess with the name: MailNotification_DailyTaskSummary and <img alt="alt text" src="/upfiles/startProcessSendDailyEmail.png"></li> <li>Deploy to server and change the setting of Application<img alt="alt text" src="/upfiles/configServerEmail_Application_1.png"></li> <li>Set the time in system properties: EMail.DailyTaskSummary.TriggerTime -&gt; 00:00<img alt="alt text" src="/upfiles/configServerEmail_SystemProperties.png"></li> </ol> <p>This just work only one time when I restart Ivyserver. Thanks in advance for any idea support me about this problem!!!</p>khanh11166Thu, 12 Jun 2014 05:36:18 -0400 to increase java heap space<p>I get the following exception when I try to upload a file (33MB) with a webservice in ivy 4.3.21:</p> <p>org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space at org.apache.axis2.util.Utils.getInboundFaultFromMessageContext( at org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.handleResponse( at org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.send( at org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.executeImpl( at org.apache.axis2.client.OperationClient.execute( at devd3.d3wservicegen.D3WServiceStub.ImportDocument( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at ch.ivyteam.ivy.webservice.restricted.exec.axis2.WebServiceCallAxis2.invokeMethod( at ch.ivyteam.ivy.webservice.restricted.exec.axis2.WebServiceCallAxis2.executeCall( at ch.ivyteam.ivy.webservice.restricted.exec.axis2.WebServiceCallAxis2.perform( at ch.ivyteam.ivy.webservice.restricted.execution.WebServiceCallBean.executeAxisWebServiceCall( at ch.ivyteam.ivy.webservice.restricted.execution.WebServiceCallBean.perform( at at at$ at at</p> <p>Is there a simple way to increase the java heap space or is there any other solution available to upload bigger files? A file with 24MB can be uploaded without any problem. The webservice would support MTOM and excepts the file data as an javax.activation.DataHandler object.</p>Marco BirchlerFri, 16 May 2014 11:48:26 -0400 much connect to Ivy Server via IIS<p>Hello everyone</p> <p>Is there any way to config IIS Server and Ivy Server open more than 300 connections?</p> <p>I have an application run on Ivy Server, and i can connect to application from Internet via IIS server. My problem: if there are more than 300 connection to Ivy Server, the IIS Server is crashed, then i can not connect to Ivy Server too -:)</p> <p>I configured worker.XpertIvyServer.max_packet_size and WebServer.AJP.PacketSize but IIS Server alway crash if there are too much connection</p> <p>Do you have any solution to make IIS not crash?</p> <p>I use Window Server 2012 and Ivy Server 5.0.5</p> <p>Thank so much,</p>namanhemThu, 08 May 2014 12:36:07 -0400 Error Page<p>In our current configuration we use IIS as front-end to ivy. E.g IIS shows a 404 when requesting a non-existing or already finished task.</p> <p>Any hints for a configuration that is more user friendly? Is there a way to use the ivy error messages at that point ?</p> <p>Thanks an best regards </p>Markus RührmairFri, 24 Jan 2014 10:18:12 -0500 to set content type of a download of a file?<p>I generate a temporary word document "docx" in the ivy files\session\ directory. Now I when the user click on a download link, the browser recognize the data as zip. How can I set the content type in the response?</p>jschoriFri, 17 Jan 2014 17:53:35 -0500 set ivy server's system property?<p>Is there a possibility to programmatically set system properties (e.g. email server settings) from within an ivy application? Is there an API?</p>DanielGauchFri, 27 Dec 2013 10:26:23 -0500 to develop/debug classes that are integrated in the faces-config.xml?<p>What is the best way/practice to develop and debug classes which need to be referenced in the faces-config.xml? I've this problem with custom validators and a custom phase listener that should be implemented. </p> <p>My current approach is to close the Designer and start it again for every debug or development step, which makes development of custom validators and PhaseListeners a pain. Is there a better way to have access to debugging &amp; development facilities?</p>Nikel WeisThu, 28 Nov 2013 10:48:28 -0500 to integrate custom PhaseListener in faces-config.xml?<p>I want to implement a custom PhaseListener in my faces-config.xml like it is <a href="">suggested</a> at stack overflow. So this is my faces-config.xml:</p> <pre><code>&lt;lifecycle&gt; &lt;phase-listener&gt;org.apache.myfaces.extensions.validator.core.startup.ExtValStartupListener&lt;/phase-listener&gt; &lt;phase-listener&gt;org.apache.myfaces.extensions.validator.beanval.startup.JSF2AwareBeanValidationStartupListener&lt;/phase-listener&gt; &lt;phase-listener&gt;org.apache.myfaces.extensions.validator.beanval.startup.BeanValidationStartupListener&lt;/phase-listener&gt; &lt;phase-listener&gt;de.azt.MyPhaseListener&lt;/phase-listener&gt; &lt;/lifecycle&gt; </code></pre> <p>And this is MyPhaseListener-Dummy: </p> <pre><code>public class MyPhaseListener implements PhaseListener { @Override public PhaseId getPhaseId() { return PhaseId.RENDER_RESPONSE; } @Override public void beforePhase(PhaseEvent event) { // Do your job here which should run right before the RENDER_RESPONSE. } @Override public void afterPhase(PhaseEvent event) { // Do your job here which should run right after the RENDER_RESPONSE. } } </code></pre> <p>But this approach leads the application server to crash:</p> <pre><code>HTTP Status 500 - serialFactory type Exception report message serialFactory description The server encountered an internal error that prevented it from fulfilling this request. exception javax.servlet.ServletException: serialFactory javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service( org.primefaces.webapp.filter.FileUploadFilter.doFilter( ch.ivyteam.ivy.dialog.execution.jsf.controller.IvyFacesInstanceFilter.filterAsSystem( ch.ivyteam.ivy.dialog.execution.jsf.controller.IvyFacesInstanceFilter.access$0( ch.ivyteam.ivy.dialog.execution.jsf.controller.IvyFacesInstanceFilter$ ch.ivyteam.ivy.dialog.execution.jsf.controller.IvyFacesInstanceFilter$ </code></pre> <p>So how is it possible to implement a custom PhaseListener?</p>Nikel WeisFri, 22 Nov 2013 16:31:49 -0500 Encoding Ivy Server<p>IvyServer 4.3.18 What should we set or take into account, if want server to work completly in UTF-8 (Also Emails. 1. from email element. 2. also new task mail)</p>tauserTue, 12 Nov 2013 22:41:11 -0500