Questions Tagged With cms tagged <span class="tag">cms</span>enWed, 03 May 2017 07:17:23 -0400How to evaluate cms from project without dependency<p>hi ivyteam</p> <p>I have a project with structure like this: <img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>There is three projects:</p> <ul> <li>Project B is core project, it provide IService interface which is implemented by other sub Project, It also content a Map to store/cache instance of real service</li> <li>Project B': Implement interface from B with real implementation (Class MyService), it use ivy cms to look up some cms which are only available on project B'. </li> <li>Project A depend on Project B and consume interface IService (execute real implementation from B'). In order to register real implementation for that interface, in Project B' we have the EventStartBean will be run once when engine started, it will create instance of MyService and put to ServiceHolders map (a kind of service locator).</li> </ul> <p>With this structure, we can abstract the implementation of project A and B, it don't care what is real implementation, just work with interface and can be reusable for many customer (each customer will have something similar with B' )</p> <p>But one of the problem here is we execute the service from context of project A, it lead to issue that the api Ivy.cms().co(&lt; uri of B' &gt;) will return empty value. Go deeper into that api i see it will lookup cms from project where request has been started (project A), Another way that is triggering callable sub process from B' but i don't like that much.</p> <p>My question is: Can we evaluate cms from project B' when A can't see B' ? If not, is there any suggestions?</p>trungdvWed, 03 May 2017 07:17:23 -0400 to use ResultTable of cms<p>Hi all</p> <p>I have used cms of ivy and now i want to have a table in my page, that table will populate data from other datasources (list or from DB). So i use the <em>Result Table</em> in ivy cms (multilingual), here is configuration of that cms: <img alt="alt text" src=""> Here is define a attribute <em>dummyData</em> on process data (will be filled in on runtime)</p> <p>I have some questions:</p> <ul> <li>How to configure row/column will be render (this <a href="">guideline </a> is not good enough for me to do that)</li> <li>When will i initialize data for my list dummydata on process data, because when i get this cms, i just use api: without any relationship with my process data</li> <li>Can i change process data type to another one, or just can use Data as below: <img alt="alt text" src=""></li> </ul> <p>Thanks in advance</p>trungdvThu, 01 Dec 2016 06:02:38 -0500 to use a cms inside another cms<p>Hi all</p> <p>i'm trying to use cms inside another cms, i have a cms structure as below (i use insert cms marcro from ivy): <img alt="alt text" src=""> so i create a Ivy project then try to get this cms inside html dialog, everything work fine. But if i get that cms in java/ivy script then the cms of second level is not evaluated correctly, it's still a marco, even i show this on screen. <img alt="alt text" src=""> What is different of two ways here?</p>trungdvMon, 21 Nov 2016 11:58:20 -0500 to evaluate cms with parameter on xhtml<p>Hi all</p> <p>I'm using jsf in ivy and normally i use directly API from ivy to get cms in xhtml file, ex:</p> <pre><code> &lt;p:outputLabel value="#{'/ch/axonivy/Label/EntityStep/Contact/email')}"/&gt; </code></pre> <p>now in my cms, it has placeholder like <strong>Input email ex {0}</strong> {0} will be replaced by param and i can do it easily on ivy script/java (using API from ivy) but i can't use that api on xhtml page</p> <pre><code> &lt;p:outputLabel value="#{'/ch/axonivy/Label/EntityStep/Contact/email', '')}"/&gt; </code></pre> <p>Does anyone know?</p>trungdvMon, 15 Aug 2016 09:50:51 -0400