Questions Tagged With cms tagged <span class="tag">cms</span>enTue, 20 Aug 2019 07:37:55 -0400ivy.cms.coLocale() with dynamic data<p>Hi,</p> <p>The method <strong> uri, List&lt;object&gt; formatObjects)</strong> can be used with list of objects, so that you can pass dynamic data to your cms templates using {0} , {1} afterwards. However this method will always use the current locale. If we want to get a translation in another language, we can use the <strong>ivy.cms.coLocale(String uri, Locale locale</strong>) , but it seems this method does not take List&lt;objects&gt; so how can we pass the dynamic data ?</p> <p>Thanks!</p>xchatterTue, 20 Aug 2019 07:37:55 -0400 CMS to save user data in multi language<p>Hi,</p> <p>Currently i'm developing an application that will have multilingual support, so what I need is allowing the user to enter the same text with different languages. As an example: lets say I want to build a dictionary which provide the user with multiple input fields and each one of them belongs to different language.</p> <p>I was thinking of using the CMS for to store these values in a same object of CMS but each field in different language.</p> <p>Do you think that this is a good idea? are there any problems that I may face? </p>hiba nassarWed, 19 Sep 2018 06:51:26 -0400 can I set a Task with dynamic name by Ivy script<p>Hi there. Today, I have a problem with the name of a task. The first time, when I create a task with a name <strong>ABC</strong>, after do something, it changes <strong>XYZ</strong>. I changed the task name by Ivy script, like this:</p> <p><img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>My problem is now, the task name can't be changed reply on the locale. My question is <strong><em>How can I use cms to set for a dynamic name for Task and then let it resolves by CMS?</em></strong></p> <p>Thanks so much.</p>TuyenFri, 20 Jul 2018 06:33:52 -0400 to change CMS Image when change language?<p>I have an CMS whose type is PNG Image defines 2 picture (one in English and one in German). I insert this image in .xhtml like: <code>&lt;h:graphicimage name="myImage" library="ivy-cms" styleclass="my-image"/&gt;</code></p> <p>There is a button for changing language of whole application.</p> <p>My problem is: When I click on button to change language, my picture doesn't change. It is changed when I clear cache of browser (Ctrl + F5). I have already tried adding attribute <code>update="my-image"</code> for the button, but it still doesn't work.</p> <p>Thanks,</p>lhtanThu, 07 Dec 2017 00:01:27 -0500 quote character in format CMS<p>Hi everyone, I have an issue with single quote character (<code>'</code>) by using <code>String uri, List formatObjects)</code>. <br> When I used this <strong>Etes-vous âgé-e-s d'au moins {0} ?</strong> in CMS, it is displayed on view as <strong>Etes-vous âgé-e-s dau moins {0} ?</strong>. <br> When I used this <strong>Etes-vous âgé-e-s dau moins {0} ?</strong> (without <code>'</code>) in CMS, it is displayed on view as <strong>Etes-vous âgé-e-s dau moins 18 ?</strong>. <br> Could you please help me on this? Thank you.</p>Bao TranWed, 23 Aug 2017 00:15:09 -0400 to insert jpeg images from CMS into JSF?<p>Jpeg images from CMS are not displayed on jsf dialogs when using IE (Internet Explorer 11 and AxonIvy6.6). e.g &lt;h:graphicimage name="/images/Sonne" library="ivy-cms" width="300"/&gt; </p> <p>This is not a problem with png images from cms, not if the jpeg images come from the webcontent folder and also not if other browsers like Firefox or Chrome are used.</p> <p>Any recommendations?</p>Bruno BütlerThu, 08 Jun 2017 08:36:05 -0400 - add a PDF file to the process<p>Hi all,</p> <p>I'm trying to find the way to do the following. We need to start a process when a email comes with an attachment. I can solve this by a daemon in OS at host. But then, when the file moves to a folder, I need to:</p> <ul> <li>Start the process </li> <li>Add the PDF to the process to be available to process users.</li> </ul> <p>I'm writing a Java class in order to search if there is a file to the folder and raise the start of the process. I need to know how can put it in a daemon that executes that every x minutes. Then, I have to attach the PDF to the process, but I'm not finding a way to do it.</p> <p>Any idea?</p> <p>Thanks in advance</p>jirazazabalTue, 23 May 2017 08:18:40 -0400 to evaluate cms from project without dependency<p>hi ivyteam</p> <p>I have a project with structure like this: <img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>There is three projects:</p> <ul> <li>Project B is core project, it provide IService interface which is implemented by other sub Project, It also content a Map to store/cache instance of real service</li> <li>Project B': Implement interface from B with real implementation (Class MyService), it use ivy cms to look up some cms which are only available on project B'. </li> <li>Project A depend on Project B and consume interface IService (execute real implementation from B'). In order to register real implementation for that interface, in Project B' we have the EventStartBean will be run once when engine started, it will create instance of MyService and put to ServiceHolders map (a kind of service locator).</li> </ul> <p>With this structure, we can abstract the implementation of project A and B, it don't care what is real implementation, just work with interface and can be reusable for many customer (each customer will have something similar with B' )</p> <p>But one of the problem here is we execute the service from context of project A, it lead to issue that the api Ivy.cms().co(&lt; uri of B' &gt;) will return empty value. Go deeper into that api i see it will lookup cms from project where request has been started (project A), Another way that is triggering callable sub process from B' but i don't like that much.</p> <p>My question is: Can we evaluate cms from project B' when A can't see B' ? If not, is there any suggestions?</p>trungdvWed, 03 May 2017 07:17:23 -0400 language in CMS with default language<p>Hi Ivy team,</p> <p>AFAIK, if a CMS entry hasn't defined the user's current language, its default language will be used as an alternative one. Default language can be set by ivy.cms.setDefaultLanguage(Locale) but the above CMS entry still uses the old one. Is it the correct behavior?</p> <p>Thanks,</p> <p>Long Do</p>dolongThu, 19 Jan 2017 07:49:51 -0500 when converting project to version 6.0.5<p>When every we try to convert one of our existing project to the current Designer version we receive the following exception: </p> <pre><code># Conversion log for project 'xapf_customer' from version 0 to 51917 # Created on 07.12.2016 13:50:18 07.12.2016 13:50:18 : Info : Scanning contents of &lt;L/xapf_customer/src_rd/ch/ivyteam/ivy/addons/commondialogs/MessageDialogOverride/MessageDialogOverride.eventmappings&gt; 07.12.2016 13:50:18 : Info : Scanning contents of &lt;L/xapf_customer/src_rd/ch/ivyteam/ivy/addons/commondialogs/LoginDialogOverride/LoginDialogOverride.eventmappings&gt; 07.12.2016 13:50:18 : New Task : Updating cms/configurations of project. 07.12.2016 13:50:18 : New Task : Removing obsolete content from project cms. 07.12.2016 13:50:18 : New Task : Adding new default HMTL content to project cms. 07.12.2016 13:50:18 : New Task : Creating configuration DB with content. 07.12.2016 13:50:18 : Error : Unexpected error when converting project 'xapf_customer'. 07.12.2016 13:50:18 : Error : Cms with name/id &lt;config&gt; exists already for process model version &lt;designer$xapf_customer$1&gt; at at$advice( at at at ch.ivyteam.ivy.designer.project.internal.convert.tasks.UpdateContentToVersion3.doConvertProject( at ch.ivyteam.ivy.designer.project.restricted.convert.AbstractIvyProjectConverterTask.convertProject( at ch.ivyteam.ivy.designer.project.restricted.convert.IvyProjectConverter$ at ch.ivyteam.eclipse.util.WorkspaceRunnable$ at at at ch.ivyteam.eclipse.util.WorkspaceRunnable.execute( at ch.ivyteam.ivy.designer.project.restricted.convert.IvyProjectConverter.convertProject( at ch.ivyteam.ivy.designer.project.restricted.convert.IvyProjectConverter$ at org.eclipse.jface.operation.ModalContext$ </code></pre> <p>Can someone please explain what is going on?</p>ruffzyWed, 07 Dec 2016 13:55:10 -0500 to use ResultTable of cms<p>Hi all</p> <p>I have used cms of ivy and now i want to have a table in my page, that table will populate data from other datasources (list or from DB). So i use the <em>Result Table</em> in ivy cms (multilingual), here is configuration of that cms: <img alt="alt text" src=""> Here is define a attribute <em>dummyData</em> on process data (will be filled in on runtime)</p> <p>I have some questions:</p> <ul> <li>How to configure row/column will be render (this <a href="">guideline </a> is not good enough for me to do that)</li> <li>When will i initialize data for my list dummydata on process data, because when i get this cms, i just use api: without any relationship with my process data</li> <li>Can i change process data type to another one, or just can use Data as below: <img alt="alt text" src=""></li> </ul> <p>Thanks in advance</p>trungdvThu, 01 Dec 2016 06:02:38 -0500 to use a cms inside another cms<p>Hi all</p> <p>i'm trying to use cms inside another cms, i have a cms structure as below (i use insert cms marcro from ivy): <img alt="alt text" src=""> so i create a Ivy project then try to get this cms inside html dialog, everything work fine. But if i get that cms in java/ivy script then the cms of second level is not evaluated correctly, it's still a marco, even i show this on screen. <img alt="alt text" src=""> What is different of two ways here?</p>trungdvMon, 21 Nov 2016 11:58:20 -0500 Signals, how to define a Signal only once<p>Hi,</p> <p>When using signals, a signal is defined as a string, for example in a Signal Start Event. This string has to be coded at least twice, when you send a signal and when you receive a signal. This can produce a spelling mistake easily, for exmple, somebody sends xxx:awaiting_end_of_rejection_period:start, but the SignalStartEvent waits for xxx:await_end_of_rejection_period:start.</p> <p>I would like to define all my signal strings in an interface like this in Java:</p> <p>public interface SignalCodes { public static String INITIALIZE_REQUEST = "xxx:initialize_request:start"; public static String RECOGNIZE_BUSINESS_CASE = "xxx:recognize_business_case:start"; public static String IDENTIFY_REQUESTER = "xxx:identify_requester:start"; public static String CREATE_REQUEST_AND_REQUESTER = "xxx:create_request_and_requester:start"; public static String RATE_REQUEST = "xxx:rate_request:start"; public static String AWAIT_END_OF_REJECTION_PERIOD = "xxx:awaiting_end_of_rejection_period:start"; public static String REJECT_REQUEST = "xxx:reject_request:start"; public static String PEP_CHECK = "xxx:pep_check:start"; public static String MANUAL_HANDLING = "xxx:manual_handling:start"; public static String SEND_CONTRACT_DOCUMENTS = "xxx:send_contract_documents:start"; }</p> <p>I can use thise definition when i send the signal programmatically, but i can't use it in the SignalStartEvent. There only a hard coded string ca be used.</p> <p>Is there a solution for this problem? Define a signal string only once and then use ist on both sides, sender and receiver?</p> <p>I think, the CMS should be the right place to define the signal strings.</p>Stefan13Wed, 14 Sep 2016 16:23:04 -0400 CMS on the Server<p>Hi All,</p> <p>Is it possible to edit the content of CMS item (let`s say String of JPEG) directly on the Ivy Server without redeploying the whole application ?</p> <p>Best Regards, Yordan</p>Stelt0Mon, 22 Aug 2016 13:21:32 -0400 Other type of resources<p>Hello All,</p> <p>Is there a reason why I can store on the CMS so few file formats ?</p> <p>For example: I can store .css files, but not .js files I can store .png and .jpeg but not .svg</p> <p>I would also want to be able to store font files, audio and video files, etc..</p> <p>Does Ivy Team has a vision to extend the list in future releases ?</p> <p>Best Regards, Yordan</p>Stelt0Wed, 17 Aug 2016 08:01:01 -0400 to evaluate cms with parameter on xhtml<p>Hi all</p> <p>I'm using jsf in ivy and normally i use directly API from ivy to get cms in xhtml file, ex:</p> <pre><code> &lt;p:outputLabel value="#{'/ch/axonivy/Label/EntityStep/Contact/email')}"/&gt; </code></pre> <p>now in my cms, it has placeholder like <strong>Input email ex {0}</strong> {0} will be replaced by param and i can do it easily on ivy script/java (using API from ivy) but i can't use that api on xhtml page</p> <pre><code> &lt;p:outputLabel value="#{'/ch/axonivy/Label/EntityStep/Contact/email', '')}"/&gt; </code></pre> <p>Does anyone know?</p>trungdvMon, 15 Aug 2016 09:50:51 -0400 CMS in Javascript file<p>Hello All,</p> <p>Is it possible to reference CMS resources in a Javascript file ? (Like in the way we access them in CSS file)</p> <p>Also is it possible to get resources from the CMS via Ajax from Html DIalog ?</p> <p>Best Regards, Yordan Yunchov</p>Stelt0Fri, 08 Jul 2016 10:34:59 -0400 details CMS<p>Is it possible to adapt the Task details so they correspond to the current language?</p>Florian HitzTue, 08 Mar 2016 14:35:26 -0500 CMS textfield in JSF-View<p>Hello Support,</p> <p>how can I use a CMS-entry with type "text" in a JSF-View without loosing the settings in CMS like e.g. font-size and line breaks ?</p> <p>Thanks in advance Richard Schmid</p>Richard SchmidMon, 22 Feb 2016 11:14:26 -0500 cms content in css file<p>Hi all,</p> <p>is it possible to access cms content in css files? I have tried something like that: </p><pre>.info { color: "#{'/Layouts/color/info')}" } </pre><p></p> <p>Thank you</p>Florian HeinrichWed, 30 Dec 2015 08:50:51 -0500 to use content with contents in ScriptSteps?<p>I have a Label (cms content) which holds other labels. The content of my label looks like that:</p> <pre><code>&lt;"/Labels/Labels/username")%&gt; or &lt;"/Labels/Labels/password")%&gt; is incorrect. </code></pre> <p>It works fine in JSF UI's with this code:</p> <pre><code>"#{'/Labels/Messages/loginFailedMsg')}" </code></pre> <p>But if I fill a process variable over a ScriptStep like this...</p> <pre><code>out.message ="/Labels/Messages/loginFailedMsg"); </code></pre> <p>... the integrated contents are not rendered.</p> <p>Is there a way to get the fully rendered label in a ScriptStep?</p>Adrian ImfeldTue, 28 Jul 2015 11:36:32 -0400 access from outside Ivy<p>Is it possible to access cms values from outside the engine ? With webdav or smb or things like that ?</p>dbalasseWed, 25 Feb 2015 20:02:33 -0500 are the illegal character for CMS name ?<p>when i try to store things in the cms, i sometimes have</p> <pre><code>Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal content object name &lt;té.txt&gt; </code></pre> <p>Is there a list of illegal character for the name of the node in the cms ?</p>dbalasseThu, 19 Feb 2015 17:10:43 -0500 Export<p>How can I export CMS entries (e.g. to Excel) in order to translate them easily?</p>Dominik RegliMon, 03 Feb 2014 17:10:21 -0500 expand/evaluate a string like in 3.x<p>I have a text content object which contains Ivy macros like <code>&lt;%=;</code>. This content object is used as content in an email element with <code>&lt;"...")%&gt;</code>. This works very good.</p> <p>Now we want to do the same but call it with an external function which gets the subject and the content as an argument. But this leads to the following exception: </p> <pre><code>ch.ivyteam.ivy.macro.MacroException: Error during macro expansion: IvyScript Runtime Exception in Instruction:;br/&gt; Block:;br/&gt; at ch.ivyteam.ivy.macro.internal.MacroExpander.expandMacros( </code></pre> <p>Is there a possibility to evaluate a string that contains ivy macros like it was possible in Ivy 3.x?</p>Matthias LangThu, 20 Jun 2013 10:19:19 -0400 rich dialog UI after changing the session language?<p>I need to change the session language in the logic of a Rich Dialog. How can I update the labels or other texts on the panel? Especially if the texts are coming from the CMS.</p>Karel TauserFri, 03 Aug 2012 05:17:56 -0400