Questions Tagged With business-data tagged <span class="tag">business-data</span>enThu, 05 Dec 2019 22:19:28 -0500Deserialization of Map with reference value<p>Dear Ivy team, I face an issue when using Map&lt;String, Object&gt;. I have two key, there has the same value, then it serializes like it:</p> <pre><code>{ "additionalData": { "@class": "Class&amp;lt;java.util.HashMap&amp;gt;", "firstKey": { "@class": "Class&amp;lt;objecttype.Assignee&amp;gt;", "@id": "$Ref-1", "displayName": "Hen" }, "secondKey": "$Ref-1" } } </code></pre> <p>And when deserializes I expect it should be:<br> <b>{firstKey=Assignee [displayName=Hen], secondKey=Assignee [displayName=Hen]}</b></p> <p>But it actual:<br> <b>{firstKey=Assignee [displayName=Hen], secondKey=$Ref-1}</b><br> The second key now map with wrong value.</p> <p>Is there any way to overcome this issue? Thanks a lot!</p>Hen TranThu, 05 Dec 2019 22:19:28 -0500