Questions Tagged With axon.ivy tagged <span class="tag">axon.ivy</span>enTue, 07 Mar 2017 14:14:41 -0500Custom error message<p>I am trying to make a custom message for the required input fields. The steps that I have done so far: -</p> <ul> <li> <p>created a .properties file with this content inside it: <code>javax.faces.component.UIInput.REQUIRED = {0}: Validation Error: some custom message here.</code></p> </li> <li> <p>modified the <code>faces-config.xml</code> I have added there a tag message-bundle with content conf.MyMessage</p> </li> <li>And here is my project structure</li> <li><img alt="alt text" src=""></li> </ul> <p>I dont really know what is wrong and why my custom error message is not working, if you have any suggestions would be nice :)</p>tano9321Tue, 07 Mar 2017 14:14:41 -0500 upgrade version<p>Hello everyone :) I want to use the textEditor element which is provided by PrimeFaces, but it us supported after version 6.0.6 of PrimeFaces. My current version in Axon Ivy is 5.3, how can I upgrade PrimeFaces version in Axon Ivy or is there other way to achieve the functionality of te textEditor element?</p>tano9321Thu, 23 Feb 2017 10:01:43 -0500 state in Axon Ivy<p>Hello everyone :)</p> <p>Lets say I have a task where the user can fill some input fields. The thing that I want to achieve is that, lets say the user enters some data to the input fields, and closes the browser without finishing the task. When the user opens again the page the input that he or she add must be still there. Is that even possible to do ?</p> <p>Thanks :)</p>tano9321Mon, 30 Jan 2017 15:19:24 -0500 Ivy Multi Portal<p>Hello everyone :) I am trying to implement multiple portals as describen here: <a href=""></a></p> <p>I am at point where I have alreadt added server(connector) but now its time for the application but I am not sure what is the input field <strong>Portal link</strong> used for which is required one. I could not find anything about it, could someone please describe it in more detail so that I know how to fill it.</p> <p>Thank you</p>tano9321Fri, 13 Jan 2017 09:51:10 -0500