Questions Tagged With axon.ivy tagged <span class="tag">axon.ivy</span>enFri, 16 Oct 2015 11:06:17 -0400VisualVM's Memory Sampler is inactive for Axon.ivy Engine running as WIndows Service<p>We have an Axon.ivy Engine running as a Window Service. The version of the Axon.ivy we are using is We intentionally installed JDK 1.7.0_60 in order to use the VisualVM to monitor and investigate some memory issue. The Axon.ivy Engine is configured with JMX port.</p> <p>We are able to view the Axon.ivy Enigne application in the VisualVM but the Memory Sampler is rendered inactive and the notification given to us is:</p> <p><code>Memory sampling: Not available. Cannot connect to target application. Make sure the application is running on a supported JDK 6 or JDK 7.</code></p> <p>If we run the Axon.ivy Engine as a non-service, everything works.</p> <p>We looked into the Axon.ivy Engine and discovered that it included a JRE inside which was also 1.7.0_60. We tried to configure the argument <code>ivy.dir.jre</code> to the JDK's <code>jre</code> but it still didn't work.</p> <p>We also discovered that the file <code>jre/bin/server/jvm.dll</code> in the JDK and the Axon.ivy Engine's JRE were different (using SHA-1 checksume) despite everything looks the same on the surface.</p> <p>The questions are:</p> <ul> <li>Is it possible to use Memory Sampler on VisualVM to the Axon.ivy Engine running as a Windows Service? How?</li> <li>Why we cannot start the Axon.ivy Engine when we change the argument <code>ivy.dir.jre</code>?</li> </ul> <p>Thanks</p> <p><strong>UPDATE</strong></p> <p>I managed to find a way to start both Axon.ivy Engine service and VisualVM both under Local System account using <a href="">PSTools</a>. However, the result is still the same, the Memory Sampler is still inactive.</p> <p><img alt="VisualVM and Axon.ivy Engine service are both started under Local System account" src=""> <img alt="Axon.ivy Engine JVM details" src=""> <img alt="VisualVM JVM details" src=""></p>Genzer HawkerFri, 16 Oct 2015 11:06:17 -0400