Questions Tagged With api tagged <span class="tag">api</span>enTue, 10 Jun 2014 14:37:37 -0400How to test if a user can start a process start<p>I have an IUSER Object and IProcessStart, how can i test, if user is able to start this process start ?</p> <p>(i have no session of user, so i can't test it like ivy.session.getStartableProcessStarts() )</p>Karel TauserTue, 10 Jun 2014 14:37:37 -0400 can i get all aplication of server<p>Can somebody tell me, which API can I use, to get all Application on Server (as List&lt;iapplication&gt; or something like that). Thx</p>Karel TauserWed, 04 Jun 2014 12:19:09 -0400