**Axon Ivy 7.4 and newer**
The apache libraries **poi**, **poi-ooxml**, **poi-ooxml-schemas** **poi** and **xmlbeans** **poi-ooxml** are from version 7.4 and onward included in the ivy classpath. This enables the export of excels with primeface's dataExporter. If you want to export pdfs you still have to add the **itext** library manually as described down below.
**Pre version 7.4**
The *p:dataExporter* uses third party plugins to generate Pdf or Excel files. These third parties must be manually added to the classpath (of the webapp classloader) and are not packed with the primefaces.jars...
So in the case of Excel you need to add **org.apache.poi** to your classpath. You can download it from the [official website][1].
After that it put into the directory "Designer root"/webapps/ivy/WEB-INF/lib/ (and restart Designer).
[1]: http://poi.apache.org/download.html#POI-3.10.1