If you want to create a repacked version of HSQLDB by your own (may be to pack a newer version) proceed as follows:
1. Create a **repack JAR** as described on [repackage.org][1]. E.g. trough JarJar.
- Move all classes from `org.hsqldb` into a new Package like `org.hsldb234`
2. Adjust the **java.sql.Driver service**
- Extract the file `META-INF/services/java.sql.Driver` from the repacked JAR
- Open it in a Text-Editor and adjust the full qualified name of the JDBCDriver implementation so that it matches your new package structure. E.g. `org.hslqdb234.jdbc.JDBCDriver`
- Put the manipulated service file back into the JAR (e.g by Overwriting the content with 7-ZIP)
3. Change the **JDBC URL** to avoid conflicts with other versions that work with the same URL
1. - Extract the file `org/hsqldb234/DatabaseURL.class` from the repacked JAR
2. - Open this class in the [Java Class File Editor][2]
3. - Switch into class modification mode (upper right corner)
4. - Change the JDBC connection URL in the field `S_URL_PREFIX` to a similar URL as the repacked namespace. E.g. `jdbc:hsqldb234`
5. - Save the manipulated `DatabaseURL.class` file
6. - Put the manipulated class file back into the JAR (e.g by Overwriting the content with 7-ZIP)
- 4. **Done**! Use the manipulated JAR trough your own custom JDBC URL(e.g. `jdbc:hsqldb234`)
![alt text][3]
[1]: http://repackage.org/
[2]: http://sourceforge.net/projects/classeditor/
[3]: http://answers.axonivy.com/upfiles/ceClassEditing.PNG