**9.1 and later**
HSQLDB is upgraded to 2.5.0.
**8.0 and prior**
You can use a [repacked][2] JAR that contains a newer HSQLDB and put it on the system classpath.
I've already prepared such a repacked JAR. You can download it here: [HSQLDB 2.3.2 Repack][3]
Configure your database as follows to use this repacked version:
1. put the repack JAR into JRE/lib/ext folder of your designer
2. chose the driver "Others" > "Other" within the Database Connection Configuration
3. set the Driver Class to: org.hsqldb232.jdbc.JDBCDriver
4. set the Connection URL to: jdbc:hsqldb232:mem
![DB Editor with repacked HSQLDB][1]
[1]: http://answers.axonivy.com/upfiles/dbConfigEditor_hsqlDb232.PNG
[2]: http://repackage.org/
[3]: http://www.ivyteam.ch/downloads/XIVY/samples/org.hsldb.232.repack.jar