**With ivy 4.3 and higher:**
On the server you can define the default processes (for end page after task end etc.) in the default settings of each application, see [server doku][1] and the following screenshot: ![Applicaiton Settings][2]
How the process starts of this default processes have to look like you can see in the [server doku][3] too.
To use this processes in the designer too you have to make a small helper process with the following script which also sets the default processes to the designer application (must be executed after each designer restart):
import ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.StandardProcessType;
String defaultProcessLibraryName = "JsfWorkflowUi"; "ch.ivyteam.ivy.project.wf:JsfWorkflowUi"; // use library name of your project with the default (start) processes
ivy.wf.setStandardProcessImplementationLibrary(StandardProcessType.DEFAULT_PAGES_PROCESS_TYPES, defaultProcessLibraryName);
Note: With ivy 6, the format of the library name has changed. E.g. before 6.x it's "JsfWorkflowUi", after 6.x it's "ch.ivyteam.ivy.project.wf:JsfWorkflowUi".
[1]: http://xpertivy.ch/releases/Xpert.ivy/5.0.latest/documents/ServerGuideHtml/ivy.server.administration.applicationdefaults.html
[2]: /upfiles/AdminTool_DefaultProcesses.png
[3]: http://xpertivy.ch/releases/Xpert.ivy/5.0.latest/documents/ServerGuideHtml/ivy.server.concepts.introduction.html#ivy.server.concepts.htmlworkflowui