Possible other Workarounds:
- You can destroy a Task per API `ITask.destroy()` (if there was only this task aktive the case is then finished)finished).
- You can destroy a whole case per API `ICase.destroy()``ICase.destroy()` (also all tasks of this case are destoryed).
- You can set another activator to the Task if in state suspended per API `ITask.setActivator(...)`
- You can also set the "system user" as activator, then the task is automatically executed by the system `ITask.setActivator(ivy.session.getSecurityContext().getSystemUser())`.
- You could check with an Alternative Process Element if you are executed with a "normal" user and do the happy Path path or by the system and then make your "compensation" path.! path. See example screenshot ![process_with_system_compensation][1]
[1]: /upfiles/process_with_system_compensation_1.png