You can change the settings in the "System Properties" in the "Ivy Server/Engine Administrator".
See the settings with the names `WebServer.[AJP|HTTP|HTTPS].*`
![System Properties in the Ivy Administrator][1]
See [Tomcat connector documentaion for a description of all properties/attributes][2].
For the HTTP and the HTTPS Connector there are the following common attributes:
- AcceptCount, Address, AllowTrace, BufferSize, CompressableMimeType, Compression, ConnectionLinger, ConnectionTimeout, DisableUploadTimeout, EmptySessionPath, Enabled, EnableLookups, MaxHttpHeaderSize, MaxKeepAliveRequests, MaxPostSize, MaxSavePostSize, MaxSpareThreads, MaxThreads, MinSpareThreads, NoCompressionUserAgents, Port, ProxyName, ProxyPort, RedirectPort, RestrictedUserAgents, Server, SocketBuffer, Strategy, TcpNoDelay, ThreadPriority, URIEncoding, UseBodyEncodingForURI, UseIPVHosts, XpoweredBy
For the AJP connector there are less properties because some settings must then be configured in the IIS or Apache (like compression).
[1]: /upfiles/edit_connector_settings.png/upfiles/edit_connector_settings.png