Hi @mergo
The application name is defined by the workflow application. Which can be defined on the engine serving the workflow: http://dev.axonivy.com/doc/8.0/engine-guide/tool-reference/engine-cockpit/applications.html
While working in the Axon.ivy Designer there exists a default workflow application called `designer` which contains all projects of your workspace. Therefore your JAX-RS resources should be available as:
see http://dev.axonivy.com/doc/8.0/designer-guide/3rd-party-integration/index.html#provide-own-rest-services
You can explore many examples around the JAX-RS/Rest stack included in Axon.ivy. Use the Axon.ivy Sample import wizard and select Demos/ConnectivityDemos Demos/ConnectivityDemos.
Here is a sample resource out of it: https://github.com/ivy-samples/ivy-project-demos/blob/master/ConnectivityDemos/ConnectivityDemos/src/com/axonivy/connectivity/rest/provider/PersonService.java