Hi John
REST payload logs are currently limited to the features you already see in the designer. There is no summary of the content-length available when sending REST requests. But the content-length header of the response could contain valid sizes (if we're not receiving chuncked output).
What is possible today is to record request/response data via manged beans JMX api and use the visualvm plugin to detect slow services.
![alt text][1]
To enable request/response payload recording:
- Install the 'MBean' plugin for visualvm
- Reboot and open the VM of your engine
- Switch to the 'MBean' tab
- Navigate to 'IvyEngine' -> 'External REST WebService' -> 'YOURAPP' -> 'YourEnVIROMENT' -> 'YOURSERVICE'
- set `recordRequestResponse` to `true`
- consider raising `maxEntityBytesToRecord` as well
Then one could directly analyze slow calls in the `slowestCall` composite attribute view.
Still there is no direct exposure of the payload size. But you can manually explore slowest calls....
[1]: https://answers.axonivy.com/upfiles/visualvm_RESTrequestResponsePayload.png