Your `Dockerfile` has some interesting stuff in it.
1) `MAINTAINER` is [depreacted][1]
2) The official axonivy-engine image is a linux based image. It makes no sense to create any windows-style folders in your image. Creating paths like that `E:/Axon7.4/AxonIvyDesigner7.4.0.1909161423_Windows_x64/workspace/mytest/Portal/`makes no sense at all.
3) There is no need to change to rights of the `deploy` folder. The `deploy` folder belongs to the `ivy` user which is part of the container.
4) Adding your `*.iar` file to the the special windows folder in the container has no effect.
5) `ADD target/mytest-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.iar deploy`. This deploy` seems to work somehow, partly, but you need at least to set the correct user and group of the deployed file with `--chown=ivy:ivy`.
6) Exposing port 8080 in your Dockerfile is not needed, this is already done by the base image (axonivy-engine).
I think your file should look more like this:
FROM axonivy/axonivy-engine:7.4.0
LABEL maintainer=""
ADD --chown=ivy:ivy target/mytest-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.iar deploy
For more information have a look at the [Dockerfile][2] of the axonivy/axonivy-engine image and the [example][3] how to deploy an application to the engine (this is similar to an ivy archive).