This depends on the Axon.ivy Designer version:
- **Versions 7.0.0 to 7.0.14, 7.x**
Yes, this is correct, JSF resource caching is enabled in all 7.x versions of the Axon.ivy Designer.
Fortunately it is quite simple to disable caching: Just add following entry in your Designer's `webapps/ivy/WEB-INF/web.xml` file:
**Note:** Setting `javax.faces.PROJECT_STAGE` to `Development` will also enable XML validation for .xhtml files. This can potentially cause validation errors during dialog execution, e.g. you can get a `javax.faces.view.facelets.TagException` when calling your Html Dialog:
<span style="color: red">
<b>An Error Occurred:</b>
/webContent/layouts/TaskTemplate.xhtml at line 151 and column 88 <ic:ch.ivy.addon.portalkit.component.ResponsivenessHandleButton> Attribute 'toolTip' is required
Caused by:
javax.faces.view.facelets.TagException - /webContent/layouts/TaskTemplate.xhtml at line 151 and column 88 <ic:ch.ivy.addon.portalkit.component.ResponsivenessHandleButton> Attribute 'toolTip' is required
at org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.tag.composite.CompositeComponentResourceTagHandler.createComponent(
+ \+ Stack Trace
+ \+ Component Tree
+ \+ Scoped Variables
- **Versions 7.0.15 and 8.0 and later:**
In these versions JSF resource caching is disabled by default.
**Note:** In these versions JSF XML validation is enabled. As mentioned above, this can potentially cause validation errors during dialog execution. If fixing the issues is not possible (e.g. because the problem is
caused by a required component you don't have permission to change) you can set `javax.faces.PROJECT_STAGE` to `Production`.