The image should not be stored in the META-INF folder. But you can place it in the /webcontent/images/ directory and then reference it either without the library: <br/>
<h:graphicImage name="images/example.jpg" />
or with the ivy-webcontent library:
<h:graphicImage library="ivy-webcontent" name="images/example.jpg" />
Image resource could also be stored and consumed from the `dialog/resources` folder or from the CMS.
If no library is declared the lookup for resources which match the name proceeds as follows:
1. find the resource in the **resources** folder within the active **user dialog**
2. find the resource in the **webContent** folder of the current **project**
3. find the resource in the **webContent** folder of the **required projects**
An example implementation is delivered within the Designer in the *applications/samples/**HtmlDialogDemos*** folder. Import that project into your designer and inspect the dialog `"ch.ivyteam.htmldialog.demo.output.ResourceDemo"` for an easy reference.