**7.1.0 and newer:**
You have two possibilities, when using `Apache CXF` as your client library:
1. Ignore **Ignore all policies: policies**: Many policies are optional and can be completely ignored. You can do this bis adding the feature `IgnoreAllPoliciesFeature` to your client web service configuration.
![alt text][1]
2. Ignore **Ignore some policies: policies**: By adding the feature `IgnorePolicyFeature` you can specify with the property `policy.ignore` which policies you want to ignore in your web service client. The property value is a comma-separated list of form `namespaceURI:policy`, e.g.
![alt text][2]
**7.0 LTS and older**
Many policies are optional and can be completely ignored. But the integrated `Axis 1` and `Axis 2` libraries are not able to handle them. The only way out is to patch the WSDL service definition. Remove all `Policy` declarations and their references and generate your service again against this modified WSDL.
[1]: https://answers.axonivy.com/upfiles/ignorePolicyConfig.png
[2]: https://answers.axonivy.com/upfiles/IgnorePolicyFeature_pVDNj5g.png