I found a work around by running Ivy Designer Linux version through Docker, here is what I have done:
1. Install #Install Docker for Mac
2. Install
#Install XQuartz (a X11 System support for MacOS), MacOS)
we need XQuartz to run GUI Application through Docker
2.1. Configure XQuartz: XCuartz
#Configure XQuartz:
XQuartz > Preferences.. > Security: Check "Authenticate connections" and "Allow connections from network clients"
3. Build
#Build a docker image to run Ivy Designer
3.1. Dockerfile
FROM mlaccetti/docker-oracle-java8-ubuntu-16.04
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get -y install openjfx libswt-gtk-4-jni libswt-gtk-4-java
RUN useradd -m -s /bin/bash developer
RUN mkdir /opt/AxonIvyDesigner
RUN chown developer:developer -R /opt/AxonIvyDesigner
USER developer
ENV PATH=$PATH:/srv/java/jdk/bin
WORKDIR /opt/AxonIvyDesigner
ENTRYPOINT exec "/opt/AxonIvyDesigner/Axon.ivy Designer"
3.2 build Build axon-ivy-designer:generic docker image
Command:image (execute command in the same folder with Dockerfile)
docker build -t axon-ivy-designer:generic .
(now you have docker image named: axon-ivy-designer:generic)
4- You #You should download the Ivy Designer Linux version from (and extract to a folder): folder):
5- Allow #Allow Docker container connect to XQuartz
xhost + `ipconfig getifaddr en0`
6. Run
#Run Ivy Designer
docker run -e DISPLAY=`ipconfig getifaddr en0`:0 -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v path-to-designer:/opt/AxonIvyDesigner -v path-to-workspace:/tmp/workspace -p 8081:8081 --name ivy-designer-version-generic --rm axon-ivy-designer:generic
(replace path-to-designner, path-to-workspace, version as your need)
Congratulations! You are running Linux version of Ivy Designer on MacOS.
My wish is Ivy Team can provide developer access to older Axon Ivy Desinger Linux version. We now only can get the latest Ivy Designer 7.
Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/XyC1K