If you mean the config in "configuration/jnlpconfig.any" there you can only change the memory settings of the ulc ULC/RIA clients.
To change the Settings memory settings of the of the enine iself:itself:
Windows ([See docu][1]):
- Copy the Example.ilc file and rename it to AxonIvyEngine.ilc (or AxonIvyEngineService.ilc if you use the windows service to start the engine)
- Change the property "ivy.heap.max.size" to your desired value in Mega bytes. E.g.:
Linux ([See docu][2]):
- Set the Xmx as you like in the bin/AxonIvyEngine.conf file. E.g.:
[1]: https://developer.axonivy.com/doc/latest/EngineGuideHtml/misc.html#misc-toolreference-ilc
[2]: https://developer.axonivy.com/doc/latest/EngineGuideHtml/misc.html#misc-toolreference-unix