If you want to create a cancel button or a park button in your Html Dialog, you can create `commandButton` in your view.
< p:commandButton <p:commandButton actionListener="#{logic.park}" value="Park" update="form" />
This button calls an event in which you can implement an Ivy script step where you can park now the current task.
Now comes the tricky part. Instead of continuing the process normally, you send a redirection to the browser:
String redirectScript = "window.location.href='"+ivy.html.taskListRef()+"';";
The event `logic.parkTask` should not lead to an `User Dialog Exit End` which would close the dialog and go on with the process. It should lead to a `User Dialog Process End`.
You can do the same for the cancel button, but you would call `ivy.task.reset()` instead of parking the task.