There is a good example how WebSocket WebSockets could work in the Axon.ivy 6.3 engine. As back then the Portal was delivered with a Chat that used this technology stack.
This simplest way is may be to download this version and track it's configuration. The magic is in the `/webapps/ivy/lib/portal-chat-endpoints.jar`. What i like about it, it comes with the jar does not only contain the endpoint classes, but also a web-fragment.xml `web-fragment.xml` that configures the parts of the global web.xml without the need to write manually into it.
it. So you have all WebSocket related artifacts in one place and the engine setup is easy.
![alt text][1]
I assume that this configuration of the push servlet still works. Even tough 6.3 was based on Tomcat 8.0 and 6.7 comes with Tomcat 8.5 now.