In our projects we want to attach all documents which are appended to a specific case.
More in detail:
1. User attaches multiple files to a case
2. <Script Script step to prepare e-mail>e-mail
3. send email with help of the email step
What do we need to do in step 2? Can you provide a short code snippet?
Thanks a lot in advance!
In our Project we use Ivy 6.0.6.
In our projects we want to attach all documents which are appended to a specific case.
More in detail:
1. User attaches multiple files to a case
2. <Script step to prepare e-mail>
3. send email with help of the email step
What do we need to do in step 2? Can you provide a short code snippet?
Thanks a lot in advance!
In our Project we use Ivy 6.0.6.
In our projects we want to attach all documents which are appended to a specific case.
More in detail:
1. User attaches multiple files to a case
2. <Script step to prepare e-mail>
3. send email with help of the email step
What do we need to do in step 2? Can you provide a short code snippet?
Thanks a lot in advance!
In our Project we use Ivy 6.0.6.