Unfortunately you have to use a tiny special little trick. You have to use remote debugging. To activate remote debugging in the Designer, please open the file *Xpert.ivy Designer.ini* in the installation directory of the Designer and add the following line at the end of the file:
With this additional JVM argument you permit to a remote debugger to connect with the JVM on port 8001 to debug.
After that, restart the Designer. As a second step, please go to *Run -> Debug Configurations* and create a new *Remote Java Application Debugging* configuration. In the configuration, choose the project that you want to debug, set the host and the port (localhost and 8001). And now start the fun with clicking on the *Debug* button. From now on, the break points will suspend the execution of the Java class so that you can quietly debug your code.
![Launch configuration for Remote Java Application Debugging][1]
On the server you server:
**Since 7.4:**
You have to add the line `-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=8001,suspend=n` in `[engineDir]/configuratoin/jvm.options`
**Before 7.4:**
You have to add the same line into the entry `ivy.vm.additional.options` of the ilc file for the server executable. See the chapter *Tools Reference/Windows Program Launcher Configuration* for more details about ilc files.
Note: This question and answer was [originally posted][2] by Heinrich Spreiter on his [Xpert.ivy Hacker blog][3]. Henry, many thanks to you for your enthusiastic work.
[2]: http://blog.xpertivyhacker.ch/2013/02/java-klassen-mit-xpertivy-debuggen.html
[3]: http://blog.xpertivyhacker.ch/
[1]: /upfiles/remote_debug.png