In short: The hack is no long longer required. Since 6.6.1 POI can be used in a project without any library conflicts at runtime.
**Axon.ivy 6.6.1 and younger**
These kinds of JAR hell issues are gone from 6.6.1 upwards.
In the **Designer** many libraries were removed from the Axon.ivy Classpath container. Practically this means that `Webservice Process (CXF)` and `Webservice Call (AXIS2)` libraries are no longer on the classpath of the project. And as xmlbeans is a dependency of CXF, the conflict with POI is gone.
These old libraries can be added to classpath manually in the preferences, if anyone used them to patch AXIS stubs or by accident.
The **Engine** is now also delivered as OSGI version. This means that the proper ClassLoader isolation per Bundle behaves as it does in the Designer. So a huge runtime behavior difference is gone since 6.6.1.
The OSGI Engine will become the default version of the Engine. We do not plan to support the OS specific packages any longer due its classloading shortcomings. But for a short time we still release the alternative packages that can be used if you face migration issues.
**Axon.ivy 6.5.0 and older**
The ugly workaround is still required.
- Designer: manually patch the JAR in
the plugins directory.
- Engine:
rename the
/lib/shared/xmlbeans_2.4.0.jar to
somethink like