Does Ivy Task support to create reminder task?
Hi all
I have a requirement like: When user start a process then upload some document, the Document Cheking task will be create for the Superior role and it can be see in tasklist (use API from ivy to load task).
If after x Day, that task is not started by super role (may be he is very busy or he's in long holiday), so system will automatically create another task for HR to remind Superior role that he should perform that task (HR will remind superior by fone for example) and both tasks (Document Checking and Reminder) still can be opened. it would mean we can't use Expire time or Delay time in this case because just one task will be available at a time
When Document Checking is finished, the reminder will be destroy, i intend to use boundary signal event to do.
So does ivy task support this case or is there any api from ity ivy that we can use?
the process look like this:
![alt text][1]
Thanks in advance